Do child molesters have poor eyesight, or just a poor sense of style?
Ok, let me start off by saying that I'm a bit of a news junkie. I have to read the news every day. Thanks to the internets, I can read the news from all over the globe with a simple click of my mouse (thank you, Fark). I simply love to know what's going on in the world.
At the same time, I can't seem to read the news of the day without it being crammed (no pun intended) full of stories about child molesters. Let me just say this: CHILD MOLESTERS SHOULD BE MET WITH SWIFT JUSTICE, AND I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT JAIL. I'm talking Marsellus Wallace justice. I'm talking "I'ma call a coupla hard, pipe-hittin' ni**ers, who'll go to work on the homes here with a pair of pliers and a blow torch" justice. I'm talking about getting medieval on their asses.
These guys are the lowest form of scum on the earth. I applaud the state governments that are trying to pass legislation to enforce mandatory sentences for these human shiat stains on the underwear of society. I get tired of hearing about molesters, rapists, priests and murderers getting 2-10 year sentences, while Sir-Smoke-Alot and Samson Simpson get 20 to life for getting popped with a stash of weed. But I digress. Let me try to keep my focus for this entry.
The reason I'm taking up space for an entry on this subject is this: WHAT THE HELL IS THE DEAL WITH THE GLASSES THESE GUYS WEAR?! That is the real issue at hand.
Time and time again, I'll be reading one of these terrible stories about Chester the Molester abducting some poor little kid on some American backstreet when I decide to look at the mugshot. Almost without fail, it's some greasy turd pictured with a humongous pair of eyeglasses from the 1980's. No matter if the picture was taken in 2005. I've included random pictures of registered child sex offenders from several law enforcement websites to illustrate my point. (see below)
Now, I'm not sure what the

If you ever see anyone that looks like any of these people, keep an eye on them. If you ever see anyone that looks like these people...and he's driving an ice cream truck or hanging out at the park with a bag of candy in one hand and playing pocket pool

You've got to assume that they're awfully charming to overcome such visible handicaps. They would have to be to get these kids into the back of their molester-mobiles. Either that, or they just have great candy.
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