Save "Tookie"? Bull DOOKIE! (I apologize in advance for the extra long rant)
Don't think you can use the title of this entry as an excuse not to read it in its entirety. There will be a quiz on the subject matter at a later date.

Stanley Williams is one of the degenerate thugs responsible for co-founding the notorious Crips gang in Los Angeles during the 70's. In the years that followed, they violently fought their rivals (most notably, the Bloods) for territory and control of the drug trade, leaving hundreds dead. We all know how rapidly gangs spread across the country after that. I dont think there's a major metropolitan city in America that hasn't been influenced negatively by gangs that can be traced back to the likes of these guys or their offshoots.
In 1979, Williams was convicted of the murders of four innocent people in two separate robberies -- convenience store worker Albert Owens, 26 (shot in the back of the head, execution style); and motel owners Yen-I Yang, 76; Tsai-Shai Yang, 63; and their daughter Yee-Chen Lin, 43 (shot at close range with a SHOTGUN).
These weren't rival gang members. These weren't people attacking him. These were upstanding citizens that were just minding their own business when "Tookie" decided that their lives were worth nothing. Williams and his homies decided that working for a living wasn't something they were interested in. Why should they actually get a job and work for an honest paycheck, when they could just wander around the city and kill people for THEIR money? Victimizing others is far easier than becoming a productive member of society.
Now, I'm sure you've heard the celebrities in California crying out for Governer Schwarzenegger to grant "Tookie" a stay of execution. They all think we should "save Tookie" and let him live out the rest of his merry life in prison (on the taxpayer's dime). They think he's been reformed in prison. They think that, just because he's written a few books and been nominated for a Nobel prize (I'll talk more about that later), he's a different person now. His supporters feel that his "accomplishments" show his redemption and remorse, and therefore he should be allowed to live (despite being sentenced to death based on the evidence against him presented in a court of law).

California Granny to nun: "That Tookie sure is a nice boy... Where am I?"
Let's see...let's start with Snoop Dogg. Mr. Dogg is one of the most outspoken advocates of Williams, and a Crip himself. I'm sorry I'm sorry..."former" Crip (wink-wink) according to Mr. Dogg. Please forgive me, sir. Nothing like having a fellow criminal speak out on your behalf when your life hangs in the balance, huh?
Snoop, to this day, boasts of being a pimp and peddling whores for money (because he doesn't have quite enough from rapping). He is involved in drugs (obviously) and has been up on charges for murder and other offenses in the past. The only reason S-N-double-O-P isn't in there with "Tookie" is because he's rich and can afford the high dollar lawyers to get himself out of trouble. Don't get me wrong. I like Snoop's music, circa The Chronic/Doggystyle days. I'm not suggesting that I've never bumped his shiznizzle in mah ride be-foe. I'm just speaking to the issue of his character (or lack thereof).

Snoop's not the only one out there running his mouth for Stanley Williams' cause. Danny Glover, Jamie Foxx, Jesse Jackson (go figure...he'd kill his own grandmother for time on the long as the microphone was black, of course), Bianca Jagger, Mike Farrell (Honeycutt, from MASH), among others.
The most reprehensible thing I've read so far has to be how these celebrities are trying their best to portray Williams as the VICTIM. In addition, some are even going so far as to attempt to make it a RACE issue! Read what Jamie Foxx said during one interview:
- "If Stan Tookie Williams had been born in Connecticut in the same type of situation, and was a white man, he would have been running a company," Foxx told the AP when the film aired last year on FX. "But, born a black man who has the capability of having brute strength and the capability of being smart in the ways of the world, he's going to get into what he gets into."
I fail to see how his being black plays any role in these heinous crimes or his attempt at getting a stay of execution. I think it has more to do with the fact that some blacks in America today LOVE to throw out the race card whenever they can't argue based on the merits of the issue. They think that it makes white people feel guilty and uncomfortable, and they think it will make them concede. I think it just makes their side look downright silly and takes away from any credibility that they may have in an argument. Don't misunderstand me though. I'm not saying that racism doesn't exist in America. It most definitely does. However, it plays NO part in this situation and should not be the topic of any discussion regarding Williams' execution for the crimes he committed. No more of this "boo-hoo for Tookie" talk. I said it before, and I'll say it again. TOOKIE WILLIAMS IS NOT THE VICTIM HERE! (despite what his supporters say)
Let's not forget...THESE are the victims - Albert Owens (Left), Yen-I Yang, 76 (not pictured), Tsai-Shai Yang (Middle), and Yee-Chen Lin(Right)

Yes, that is what it looks like when someone shoots you in the face with a shotgun. Does that look like something that writing a few books should excuse you from?? Take a good look at those pictures. Any time you feel yourself buying into Hollywood's portrayal of this man in movies or on the steps of some California courthouse, just think of those pictures. Think of how terribly frightened they must have been in the last moments of their lives, just because some thug wanted a few extra bucks. Think of how cheap he thought their lives were. If these were your loved ones, would you feel that this man who calls himself "Tookie" should be allowed to live and collect the $1000 checks from his supporters? (according to corrections officers, it is not uncommon for him to receive donations in the $500-$1000 range to add to his large prison bank account) Do you think the taxpayers of California should continue reaching into their pockets to support this guy? To feed, clothe, and exercise him every day for another 30 or 40 years? Do you think this person should continue masquerading as a righteous man, "who helps children"? Every one of those people he killed were someone's children.
His OWN sons are in gangs and locked up for violent crimes that they've commited as a result of his fine leadership. If these books he writes are so effective in keeping kids out of gangs, why aren't his own children proving this? If he was such an asset to society, wouldn't you think he could handle raising his own spawn properly? I mean after all, he IS a great person now, right? He's such a great influence and such a great role model that he can singlehandedly change the world, right? We couldn't think of carrying through on his death sentence because the world will have such a large void to fill!

The fact of the matter is that he's NOT a good person. He's a piece of shit. Nothing he does can offset the evil things he's done in his life. He can make that peace with whatever God he worships. No amount of apologetic letters, picket signs, or children's books can bring those 4 unfortunate people back from the dead. Their families have suffered. They will never stop suffering. If all the actors in Hollywood came to the victims' familes' houses and baked them "Tookie" cookies and told them what a nice guy Tookie wouldn't change a thing. He murdered innocent people. That's not something to sugar coat. How can these people hold up signs that say "Tookie saves lives"?? Look up at that shotgun wound on that poor girl's face and explain to me how "Tookie saves lives". I'd like to hear it.
No amount of Nobel Peace Prize nominations will offset the pain this person has brought to so many lives. Speaking of which, I just wanted to point out that a peace prize nomination means DICK. He didn't win anything. Anyone can be nominated for a Nobel Prize. According to Nobel Prize nominating rules, any "professor of social sciences, history, philosophy, law and theology" and any judge or national legislator in any country, among others, can nominate anyone for a Nobel Peace Prize. Past nominees include Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, Benito Mussolini and Fidel Castro. Any "professor of literature or of linguistics," among others, can nominate anyone for a Nobel Prize in literature. Should we have saved Hitler too?? I'm sure he might have been a great guy as well, huh? After all, he was a NOBEL PRIZE NOMINEE!!
So, for all the whiners crying that we'd be "killing a (gasp) Nobel Prize nominee"...I say to you...shove it. Nominate this! (that statement has a way bigger effect when you can actually SEE me aggressively pointing at my crotch when I say it)
Go ahead, Governor Schwarzenegger...TERMINATE HIM. I recommend the 12 Gauge. A needle in the arm seems too tame compared to what he did.
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