Brokeback bullshit

For those who don't know, this movie is about two flaming cowboys. They're not flaming in the sense that they are on fire. They are flaming in the sense that they like to put their peepees in the poopyhole. Here's a brief description from one of the entertainment websites:
"Brokeback Mountain is a cowboy romance about two ranch-hand buddies who conceal a long homosexual affair from their families. The movie has won four Golden Globe prizes, including best picture honors in the drama category."Does it strike anybody else as being odd that Hollyweird glorifies and honors movies about infidelity? I mean, I'm not shocked, but I still think it's lame. I expect them to make a stink about a movie that features gay love scenes. They want to do everything they can to try and make this deviant lifestyle "mainstream". However, homosexuality will never be mainstream. I don't care how hard they try. (I'll have to refrain from ranting about MTV and their homo-promotion marathon right now - I'll save that for another day)
What I don't like is the fact that they're giving this movie all kinds of critical acclaim for it's content. It's about two men cheating on their wives. What's good about that?? Who they're cheating with is unimportant. There is nothing admirable about cheating on your wife. If this was a story about two men cheating on their wives with two other women, do you think it would be getting all of these accolades? I would say probably not.
I'm not here trying to gay bash either. I personally happen to think it's wrong and repulsive, but what other people do in their bedrooms is their business. The problem is that the gay lobby tends not to keep it in the bedroom. They try to convince the public that this lifestyle is normal and they try to saturate the media with it, in the hopes that people will be desensitized by the constant exposure. They draw people's attention to it, and then gripe when people treat them differently because of it. The idea of homosexuality has been introduced to kids in elementary schools these days, for crying out loud. They've got gay children's books to teach "tolerance" to kids that have no idea what sexuality even is in the first place. It's ridiculous. Tolerance is one thing, but defining yourself solely on what hole you put your peepee in is pretty sad. Why not concentrate on being a good person, instead of promoting your practice of the buttsecks?
As a society, we should be embracing the ideals of the family unit - not infidelity and sexual deviance. We should be bestowing awards upon the movies that showcase good family values and promote respect for your wife - not glorifying the betrayal of your wife so that you can go butt ram your cowboy buddy when she's not looking. We've got enough problems in America without further eroding what little morality we have left as a country.
Also, I want to propose the idea of Heterosexual Pride Day. Who's with me?
There's a difference between loving your brother and "loving" your brother.
That is the distinction I make, Mr. K.
And if you want to bring the Lord into this, I would like to direct your attention to the book of Leviticus 18:22.
Leviticus 18:22
"Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination."
Is that clear enough for you?
AND...I am far from a bigot, my friend. I dislike all people equally. :)
I am kidding (to a certain degree).
As I said before, I'm not gay bashing. I'm just tired of hearing about it. I don't wish anything bad on anybody. They can do whatever the heck they want to do. I just don't want to hear about it.
LOL. Well, he said he likes to "love his brother".
I don't agree with chicks being gay either, Mac. The same argument applies to them as well. They just happen to look hotter when they're being gay lol. Unless it's someone like Rosie O'Donnell or something equally disgusting to look at.
The whole homo/lesbian thing doesn't matter to me at all even though I'm straight. I actually want to see the movie, but all they hype about it is wearing me out.
The whole homo/lesbian thing doesn't matter to me at all even though I'm straight. I actually want to see the movie, but all they hype about it is wearing me out.
I get tired of hearing about it. I don't care what you stick your prick in. Just keep it to yourself.
Better than an obo. Have you seen American Pie Band Camp? LOL!
I agree with little cricket. Since when is "sodomy" NORMAL behavior? Acceptable? I think NOT! The HHQ's would love for the whole world to believe that homosexuality (sodomy) is normal/acceptable behavior. If "they" prefer to travel down the "gravel road", then that's "THEIR" choice. But don't try to promote this behavior as NORMAL in elementary schools and books, OR movies!
WORD. Preach it, brotha!
The irrefutable fact of the matter is gays exsist and at the best guess of many experts they make up 10 per cent of the worlds population. Denying the gay life style as normal is just plain wrong, however wrong you personally feel it maybe. When that large number of people make up a group on this world, although it may not be in the majority they deserve the right to not be just tolerated but accepted for what and who they are. This is not a choice for them, it is they way they were born! And even if WAS a choice, the life style hurts nobody.
What hurts your community is the likes of people like yourself that speak(write) negativley about about any group of people who don't acutally hurt those around them. Whether it is some deep seated fear you have about gays or just some religious brain washing, you forget that one out of ten people you know are THEM! Think about the world around you and accept what is! If it is harmful then fight it, if it is not, embrace it for what it is; a LARGE GROUP OF PEOPLE that have throughout history been nothing but a benifit to those of us that are not gay (with a few exceptions).
I am not asking you to tolerate gay people I'm asking that you except everyone that is on the planet except those who prove to you that they are not to be trusted because they are a danger to others by choice. As far as promoting the gay lifestyle in movies, well maybe they're not really 'PROMOTING IT' as they are telling a story about two characters who just happen to be gay. It is you and
a large portion of the society you grew up in that thinks, if if they advertise the movie or critically review it (good or bad) that they are promoting the lifestyle...rather than just telling a story. LIGHTEN UP IT'S JUST A STORY LIKE ALL THE OTHER STORIES HOLLYWEIRD ADVERTISE AND PROMOTE.
Widepart -
It's closer to 6%, actually. Nobody's denying that gays exist. I'm pretty sure that wasn't my premise.
Your suggestion that people who disagree with sodomy are either afraid of gays or brainwashed by religion is absolutely absurd. It doesn't take religion to understand what the human anus is for. A high school biology class would be all you need to understand what your REPRODUCTIVE organs are for and what your DIGESTIVE systems are for. It's pretty simple, really.
Don't mistake my comments for being hateful. I know gay people, and I tell them the same thing. I'm merely voicing my opinion on MY blog and I have every right to do so. Just like you can have your own blog site and voice your opinions. That's why America is such a great place. Just because I don't agree with YOUR opinions doesn't give you the right to label me as someone who "hurts my community" by voicing my opinion
CFC got it in that last post. I posted something about this myself a while back.
Looking past the gay aspect, the movie's about two guys who cheat on their wives. Last I checked "Unfaithful" wasn't nominated for it's story. And honestly I don't believe Brokeback is either.
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