Can we just remove the race card from the deck already?!
I've been meaning to bring this up for a couple of days now, but I just haven't had the chance. On Monday (Martin Luther King Day), the mayor of New Orleans made shall I say...interesting speech. He was talking about rebuilding New Orleans and I took notice of some specific things that he was saying. Mayor Nagin said:

"It's time for us to rebuild a New Orleans, the one that should be a chocolate New Orleans," he said. "And I don't care what people are saying in Uptown or wherever they are. This city will be chocolate at the end of the day." "This city will be a majority African-American city. It's the way God wants it to be."
Now, I'm no civil rights expert. But when I heard that comment, all I could think was, "DAMN, that's about as racist a statement as a person could make." What about other people that are from New Orleans? How do you think a statement like that makes them feel? A very alienating statement, if I do say so myself. New orleans is home to many people that are not black. This does nothing to help them want to come back home and rebuild.
I don't understand why African Americans can get away with making blatantly racist statements like that. It happens all the time. In comedy acts, tv shows, advertisements, etc. Black comedians mock how "white people" act and call them white boys, honkies and other things all the time. It's pretty well accepted. This statement by mayor Nagin is just one of many comments made like this all the time.
Are we ever going to get over racism in America?
Let me explain what I'm saying a little more. Imagine the white mayor of Coeur D' Alene, Idaho making a speech saying, "It's time to rebuild Coeur D' that will be an IVORY Coeur D' Alene. God wants Idaho to be a WHITE state." Don't you think there would be a bit of outrage at those statements? Wouldn't Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton be on every news channel around the country denouncing this white mayor and branding her a RACIST?
So, what's with the double standard? Why is it ok for black people to be blatantly racist, but other races are condemned and civil rights groups call for blood when it happens? This black-vs-others racism is so prevalent, yet when something happens to them, they immediately pull out the race card. (If anybody's wondering, I'm not black or I take no sides on the matter.)

On a related note...what the hell is up with Hillary Clinton making her stupid remarks on the same day? She made some comment to the effect of the House of Representatives is run "like a plantation and you know what I'm talking about". What the hell could she possibly be trying to accomplish with that?? On MLK day, no less. Jeebus farking cripes. I swear, this world is chock full of idiots.
Don't make me quote a criminal. Don't make me do it...ah shit...too late!
I have NO problems with people poking fun at one another. But you can't do it to others and then bitch when it's done to YOU. I personally make fun of every ethnic group (including my own). I don't mean anything by it, and it's all in good fun. I don't think any of us should take ourselves so seriously that we can't laugh at ourselves (and others).
There's a difference between poking fun and being hateful.
A priest, a rabbi, and an ayatollah walk into a bar...
I LIKE crackers....And CHEESE!
"I'll be honest with you, I love his music, I do. I'm a Michael Bolton fan. For my money, it doesn't get any better than when he sings "When a Man Loves a Woman."
- Bob Slydell
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