Tunafish - isn't that a bit redundant?

I was minding my own business at the office (i.e. surfing the internet), when a woman that I work with stood up and randomly said, "I smell tunafish". Then she sniffed...stared around a bit...and eventually sat down. Although her random declaration of what she smells is mildly strange (as is she), that's not what I want to rant about.
I have a problem with the term, "tunafish".
To me, that sounds redundant. "Tuna" should be more than sufficient when talking about tuna. I know it's a fish. So do most other people in the world. Instead of saying, "I'm eating a tunafish sandwich...just say, "I'm eating a tuna sandwich". I PROMISE, I'll know exactly what you're referring to.
You don't hear people saying "I'm eating a ham pig sandwich". Just like you don't hear people saying "I'm eating a venison deer steak" or a "roast beef cow sandwich". Hell, you don't even hear people saying "I'm cooking salmon fish for dinner". Do you know why? BECAUSE THERE'S NO REASON TO!
Please, people...stop being annoying. I beg you. (One of these days, I'll list my pet peeves so you can know what behaviors to avoid when spending any time around me.)
I like the close her legs comment.
Everytime I hear the word "tunafish" that is what I think of.
You can also rant about stupid Jessica Simpson trying to figure out is "Chicken of the Sea" is "tuna" or "chicken".
Hahaha you crack me up, Mackenzie!
And Sonya...the only ranting I'll be doing about Jessica Simpson is going to be in reference to her in that bikini in the Dukes of Hazzard video. I don't care for her personality...but that video is...gooood. :)
I'm just sayin.
My other half was just talking about her in that bikini in the movie last night. How funny!
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