Allah Wants You To Run Over Innocent Students With Your Car

By now, I'm sure you've all heard about the moron that ran down 9 people at the University Of North Carolina this past Friday with his SUV (follow-up story).
He told investigators that he did it to "avenge the deaths of Muslims around the world". At his hearing today, he told the court that he was "thankful for the opportunity to spread the will of Allah".
So let me see if I understand this correctly. Allah wants nuts like this to arbitrarily run over innocent human beings? That is his "will"? What a cool religion. I can see why so many people across the globe subscribe to Allah's teachings. You get the freedom to kill random people, and you do so under the name of religion. In addition, if I (as a Muslim) am killed in the process, I get 72 virgins in heaven? What a sweet deal! All praise be to Allah!
For one thing, how is this idiot "avenging the deaths of Muslims" by trying to kill college students? I'm sure these people that were hurt last Friday had nothing to do with killing any Muslims. I'm just making an assumption here though. Furthermore, most college kids these days are more sympathetic to batshit-crazy Muslims like this guy than they are to our own country. So it really makes no sense at all to attack them.

Speaking of being sympathetic to these radical Muslims...when are Americans going to wake up and understand that this is how they view us (as targets)? I say US because they don't differentiate between liberals and conservatives, supporters and opposers when they're targeting Americans.
You can protest all you want. You can demonize the U.S.A. all you want. You can send flowers to Muslims all over the world if you'd really like to. It won't change a thing. They will cut your head off, blow you up, run over you at the first chance they get. You can explain to them how much you love them and how you love peace, and how much you hate the free country in which you live. They'll STILL murder you without blinking an eye. You can't reason with the unreasonable.
(by the way, look at the smirk on this bastard's face in the picture getting into the car [above]. What a guy, huh? It's SO funny when you run over people in a courtyard, isn't it?)
Wise up, people. Show some solidarity with your American people for once. Quit trying to be politically correct and sympathizing with every fringe group in the world. The world is not ever going to be the utopia that you think it should be. There are people out there that wish to kill us all (and yes, that includes YOU). That's just a fact of life. It's unfortunate, but it's just the way it is.
Maybe if we all stuck together as Americans, we would have an easier time beating these evildoers. It sure beats fighting amongst ourselves and weakening our great nation for partisan political reasons.
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