People Will Buy Anything

I've got two words for you. Truck Nutz.
Someone came up with the idea to sell balls for your truck. I guess the idea is to hang them off of your towing hitch. Is this cool? Am I missing something? Do we want to distinguish our male trucks from our female trucks? If so...why?

Maybe I'll come up with something for the female trucks out there. Truck Snatch? Truck Beaver? Truck Tits? I could be on to something here. If people are stupid enough to buy Truck Nutz, I don't see why they wouldn't buy Truck Tits.
I don't know why people feel the need to decorate their cars in the first place. Bumper stickers, silly heads on your antenna, Calvin and Hobbes peeing on things, stickers of the Virgin Mary and/or your name (or the Mexican city you're from) in old English calligraphy on your back window, Tweety Bird, Taz, etc. I really don't need to know your political affiliation, where your kid "excels at school", that your brother is a transexual, or that you're a Catholic named "Gallegos" from Chihuahua. I figured that last one out on my own. Maybe it was the fact that you're driving a 1982 Honda with bubbled window tint, no rearview mirrors, a trunk lid that's duct taped closed, with 4 doors from 4 different cars (all different colors), dragging your muffler, carrying 6 passengers, sporting the perpetual temp tag in the window, all while driving 45mph in the fast lane during rush hour. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I kind of just assume you're not from 'round these parts when I see that.
Anyway, I'm getting off topic here. All I wanted to say was that I'm never amazed at the amount of useless crap Americans buy. Which brings me full circle back to the Truck Nutz.
Maybe I'm just annoyed that I didn't think of it first. Apparently, they're selling. Which means that someone's making money off of the idiots that buy them. Who would have thought?
Is there a "truckgina" on the market? If not I will take only 30% of the profit. What do you think? I'm guessing it would be a big hit in the dike market! You know the flannel shirt, work boot , shorthair lumberjack types!
Mmmmm...shorthaired, lumberjack, workboot-wearing women are SO hot.
Truck-gina does have a nice ring to it.
That little dude is kinda weird.
Haha. I found a truck with those hanging off of it once. I took them off and put them under his wiper blades.
I think this is a car magnet too. Which sucks I didn't hop on it, cuz I thought of it as soon as the "Support fallen police officer's NAACP gay republican Canadian Perfume Seller's right to free abortion speech cancer" ribbon came out.
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