Poor Spike

That is from an article I read today on www.contactmusic.com.
Outspoken movie-maker Spike Lee has attacked the Hollywood studios for not including African-Americans as executives.The Malcolm X director is appalled the major studios only recruit white men and women for executive positions.
He tells US style magazine Complex, "You go to any studio, the (only) black guy you are going to see is the guy at the gate. In Hollywood, there is not one African-American who is an executive that has gatekeeper position that could greenlight a picture.
"They'll make a movie with Denzel (Washington) and Jamie (Foxx)and Eddie (Murphy), but only because they can make money off them.
"They (studios) might think there's diversity because four white women run studios."
20/02/2006 03:21
My question is...What in the world is stopping black people (or any other race) from starting their own successful movie studios? Why is Spike Lee blaming others for black people not being adequately represented in the high positions in Hollywood? Who are these spectacular people that he thinks are being turned away for these executive jobs? Throw some names out there, Spike. Let's hear who is being discriminated against, based on the color of their skin.
I personally wouldn't give HIM a job as a movie exec, simply because he can't see past the color of a person's skin long enough to be good for the job. He would greenlight movies just BECAUSE the person that pitched the script was black (rather than consider the movie based on it's content). And because there's only so big a market for angry black movies.
I've said it before and I'll say it again...I'M SICK AND TIRED OF HEARING PEOPLE USE RACE AS AN EXCUSE FOR THEIR SHORTCOMINGS. Come up with some talent. Come up with some good candidates for the jobs in question. Nobody's stopping you but you.
Spike's comments are no different than asking "why aren't there any Native American studio execs?" or "why so few Bangladeshi studio execs?" (or Asian, or Spanish, or Mexican, or short people, or tall people, etc). Sometimes, that's just the way it works Mr. Lee. Maybe we shouldn't group everyone into a category. Maybe we should look past skin color, ethnic background, etc. once in a while. You might be surprised at how many doors open for you when you get rid of the chip on your shoulder.
This leads to another issue along the same lines. The "white" Olympics. Have you heard the hype on this? It's seems The Winter Olympics are now racist because black people can't and don't want to ski (to cold) but still feel left out. I say shut the F%&K up! If your talented enough to compete at the Winter Olympic level then move from Sudan and start training! Enough bitching already! All talk and no show seems to be the issue, especially with the likes of Spike Lee, who coincidentally happens to make really shitty movies anyway! Keep it real Spike!
bored at work -
Yes, I have heard all the hype about "not enough black people" at the Winter Olympics to make it a legitimate athletic competition. This of course, was according to Bryant Gumbel. He claims that since these are supposed to be the "best athletes in the world", there should be a lot more blacks there. I'm not sure what he's talking about. What does skin color have to do with who is the best downhill skier, or the best curler, or the best snowboarder (or the best anything)? Does he think someone is keeping black people OUT of the Winter Games? I have a hard time believing that. Could it be that they just don't WANT to participate in the Winter Games? Why is that such a stretch for Mr. Gumbel to understand?
Mackenzie -
You poor, oppressed white girl.
And another thing...
How can I take a person like Spike Lee seriously in the first place, when he can't even adhere to the standards of the English language? Let me mention a couple of his movie titles:
"He Got Game"
"Mo' Better Blues"
"She's Gotta Have It"
"We Wuz Robbed"
Can't you just use proper grammar and spelling? Couldn't you call these movies:
"He's Got Game"
"More Better Blues"
"She's Got To Have It"
"We Were Robbed"
Would that really have changed the meaning of the movie if the title wasn't written in Ebonics? I venture to day it would NOT have.
Does it involve you kneeling on the cover, surrounded by 6 brothas and looking like a freshly glazed donut?
And what, you'd expect me to work hard and shit. Nah, I think I'll just use the race card until I wear that shit out. Kind of like wearing out Mack-N-z.
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