Aww, we wouldn't want him to suffer or anything...

The State of California was scheduled to execute another savage murderer today, but there has been a delay. Michael Angelo Morales was supposed to have his death sentence (lethal injection) carried out at 12:01am today, but the anesthesiologists pulled out at the last minute. They had concerns that the convicted rapist and murderer MIGHT feel pain when the lethal injection was administered. My thought is, WHO CARES if HE feels pain? He SHOULD feel pain. He brutally beat an innocent 17 year old girl (Terri Winchell) and had sex with her nearly dead body, before finally killing her. I couldn't care less if he felt pain. As far as I'm concerned, he's had 25 YEARS of pain-free living on the taxpayer's dime as it is. He killed her in 1981 and has been on death row ever since. I think these cases need to be expedited, but I'm not going to get into that right now.
Now, if they don't carry out this execution today, the death warrant will expire. What that means is that he will essentially get a reprieve. The case would have to go before a judge to determine if he can get back on death row. It sounds like the state is going to follow through though (thank goodness). They are going to forego the anesthesiologists and just o.d. him with a lethal dose of barbituates. I'm not sure if the anesthesiologists are just trying to be activists or possibly thwart the execution altogether, but I think they're going to fail. The guy admitted to the killing, for cripe's sake! Why do people continue to sympathize with these despicable murderers? As I've said before, I think shitstains like this forfeit their right to life and sympathy when they mutilate and kill an innocent human being. (if you feel like reading my rant on that again, see this link)
Anyway...I don't have time to get into that again right now. What I want to do is present you all with the facts of the case that the media might not give you. They usually paint it in a way that leaves room for sympathy with the convict. I think that if you read the case facts, you'll have a different perspective on it. All possibility of feeling anything but disgust for this animal will be removed after reading it, I promise you. Below are the facts of the case from the California Dept. Of Corrections website:
Offense Date: 01/08/1981
Court Action: Affirmed
Court Date: 04/06/1989
Case #: CR17960
Victim: Terri Lynn Winchell, 17 (female)
Co-Defendant: Ricky Ortega
Summary: During early 1980, Ricky Ortega, 19, and Randy Blythe, 17, were homosexual lovers. Blythe met Terri Lynn Winchell, 17, in 1980 and became her heterosexual lover. Winchell did not know about the homosexual relationship between Blythe and Ortega, but Ortega knew about the relationship between Blythe and Winchell. Ortega became upset about the relationship.
Ortega and Blythe had a stormy relationship characterized by Ortega’s threatening reactions to Blythe’s attempts to end it. He was also openly hostile to Winchell. He was overheard threatening to kill himself or Blythe.
In late 1980, Ortega told Glenda Chavez that he was angry at Winchell for accusing him of being a homosexual and for her calling him “gay.” Ortega and his cousin, Michael Angelo Morales, 21, plotted to murder her as “pay back” for her remarks.
In the weeks before the murder, Ortega set up a ruse to trick Winchell into believing that he wanted to make amends and become her friend. In the meantime, Morales “practiced” how he was going to strangle Winchell and on the day of the murder told his girlfriend, Racquel Cardenas, how he was going to do Ortega a favor and strangle and “hurt” someone.
On January 8, 1981, Ortega called Morales and told him he was driving Winchell to Morales’ apartment. Ortega lured Winchell into accompanying him and Morales in Ortega’s car to a remote area near Lodi, California. There, Morales attacked Winchell from behind and tried to strangle her with his belt. Winchell struggled and the belt broke in two. Morales then took out a hammer and repeatedly hit her in the head with it. She screamed for Ortega to help and tried to fight off the attack, ripping her own hair out of her scalp in the struggle. Morales beat Winchell into unconsciousness, crushing her skull in several places and leaving 23 identifiable wounds in her skull.
Morales took Winchell from the car and told Ortega to leave and return later. Ortega left. Morales dragged Winchell face-down across the road and into a vineyard. Morales completed an act of sexual intercourse with her unconscious body. He started to leave, but went back and stabbed her four times in the chest to assure her death. Winchell died from both the head and chest wounds. Her body was left in the vineyard naked from the waist down with her sweater and bra pulled up over her breasts.
Within two days, Morales was arrested at his residence. The police found Morales’ broken belt with Winchell’s blood on it hidden under a bedroom mattress. The police found three knives and the hammer hidden in the refrigerator vegetable crisper. The hammer had traces of Winchell’s blood on it. The police also found blood-stained floor mats from Ortega’s car in the trash. Winchell’s purse and credit card were also in the house. Ortega’s blood-spattered car was impounded. Morales had used $11 from Winchell’s purse to buy beer, wine, and cigarettes on the night of the murder.
Now, please tell me why anyone should feel sympathy for this Morales guy. He is a piece of shit and I sincerely hope that he suffers for what he's done.

This makes me sick!!!!
I do not respond to your postings, but I enjoy reading them. I have to say I completely agree with you. In fact I feel that all criminals deserves the same treatment they show their victims. If they want to show disregard for human life, than their lives should be disregarded the same way.
Thank You and please keep writting, I love your views.
I was hoping to see your comments on this one, I knew you would write about it... As I live somewhat in the area of the facility holding this creature as well as many others, it just makes me sick to see it plastered all over the place. I say beat him with a hammer then (I'll volunteer)!! Cruel and unusual punishment? Whatever!!! It's just such BS that these "people" are given any consideration at all. But hey maybe he's "born again" too huh? That one seems to work.. They say that the punishment should fit the crime... isn't it enough that we here in California simply put you to sleep, and in a fashion much mor humane than the way we treat animals in a shelter! We will hunt down and shoot a wild animal for simply being in our neighborhood but heaven forbid this guy feel anything for what he did!!!
The bleeding hearts make me a little angry sometimes. Stop concentrating on the rights of convicted felons and begin concentrating on the victims that they preyed upon, ya know?
The punishment SHOULD fit the crime, yet it rarely does. Instead, we house them, we feed them, and keep them entertained.
Our criminal justice system should have accomodations for the appropriate appeals. I'll just get that out of the way right now. However, there is no excuse for keeping people on death row for 25 years before carrying out their sentence.
Thanks for reading my ramblings. I promise, I'll post something funny soon. I don't want to bring anyone down.
If the anesthesiologists do not want to do their jobs, they should be replaced immediately with someone who does not intermingle their bleeding heart labial beliefs with their professional duties as executioner. This is a sore subject for me! I cannot tolerate the fact that I PAY to keep these individuals alive on death row. After the conviction and sentencing they should simply walk them into a clean room with a drain on the floor and POP... one2thedome..two if they squirm around after the first. Then send the bill to the deceased's family... I'm not saying the entire bill! Just the bullet! I would be more than happy to help with the rest of the expenses in the form of tax contribution. ie: my fed/state taxes paid on every single paycheck I receive! This would still save money for both the Taxpayer and State/Gov. Then maybe, just maybe the State/Fed can spend the money on something with a little more worth than some fuck who could not get laid to save his life so decided to kill/rape a physically weaker person than himself.
Fuck'em and good riddens. Hopefully we will be saying "say goodbye to the bad guy"
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