Attention: Moderate Muslims
What the hell is going on with your religion?? Why don't you speak out against the senseless violence that is perpetrated by your people, in the name of Allah?
For weeks now, the Muslim world has been rioting, burning embassies, restaurants, etc. in addition to their usual burning of effigies, flags, and the like. What caused this, you ask? A FRIGGIN CARTOON. Yes. A cartoon.
A week or two ago, a newspaper in Denmark printed editorial cartoons, depicting the prophet Mohammed with a bomb on his head. After that, all hell broke loose. The Danish and Norwegian embassies in Syria were immediately set on fire by Muslim extremists, the General Consulate in Beirut was torched, there were riots in Afghanistan and many other Middle East countries this past week. Many people have been killed during these riots. There is no regard for human life or for the governments of these cities. The streets have been filled with the usual fanatics, waving their fists, shooting their guns in the air and general chanting and yelling. I have heard some chanting "death to America" in there as well. What America has to do with this silly cartoon issue is beyond me, but hey...what can ya do? I've seen children filling the streets with their own protests as well. Most of which aren't even old enough to know what's going on.
Pakistan had a riot with 70,000 protestors that burned theaters, a KFC and a bus station, among other things. They ransacked offices, and a stray bullet from a demonstrator killed an 8 year old boy.
What ever happened to common sense?? I understand that they're offended. I know their religion means a lot to them. However, I disagree with their violent reaction to a CARTOON. In addition, how is the government of Denmark responsible for the actions of a cartoonist? Why are they killing people in the streets because of the actions of a cartoonist? Sounds like misdirected anger to me.
In America, most of our media outlets are tip-toeing around the issue and condemning the cartoons as being "blasphemous". Many are even pacifying Muslims that are condoning this violence. HOWEVER, when Christian groups in America PEACEFULLY protest something blasphemous, like a South Park episode where the Virgin Mary bleeds out of her butt or a Rolling Stones magazine cover with Kanye West pretending to be Jesus (complete with crown of thorns), the media attacks the Christians. They tell them that people have the right to express their opinions (which they do) in such a blasphemous way. So why the double standard? Why do left-wingers support the Muslims in their (violent) cause, yet criticize law abiding Christians in America? Doesn't make much sense to me.
People should have the right to say or draw whatever they'd like. If that happens to be a picture of something that offends you, so be it. If you don't like a cartoon, a magazine, or a tv show that offends your beliefs, then you have a right NOT to read it or watch it. You don't have the right to burn buildings and kill people though.
Furthermore, why is the Muslim population organizing to destroy and kill over a cartoon, but when they see their own brothers CUTTING THE HEADS off of innocent journalists and contractors, the say NOTHING. They don't even blink an eye. They're outraged over a cartoon, but don't seem to care much when their people mutilate and kill other human beings in the name of their religion. They don't think twice when their people strap bombs to their backs and walk into a storefront or a wedding party to kill innocent people. That doesn't offend them, evidently. Those things apparently don't do as much damage as a cartoon made of ink and newsprint (that they can choose NOT to read).

I know ALL Muslims aren't part of this evil. But why don't sensible Muslims speak out against this abhorrent behavior? Why don't they condemn the actions of these radicals? Why don't they join with other reasonable people in destroying this evil? And that's what it is. Pure evil. By being passive, they become part of the problem.
Come on, sensible Muslims...step up! Your religion is being perverted into an instrument of violence and lunacy. Do something about it, please.
Not true. Sensible Christians are very vocal about kooks like Pat Robertson. And the left includes moderate Christians as well, Mack. Christianity isn't JUST a conservative/right wing interest as some would have you believe.
Pat Robertson is a retard, but he does not incite violence/riots/beheadings. I'd take a Middle East full of Pat Robertson-type Muslims over the bloodthirsty and violent nutbags that are there now.
I guarantee you that moderate Christians WOULD, in fact, squash any violent uprising that came from a radical sect of their religion in America.
That, right there, is precisely why they have such a stronghold on the Muslim world. People are afraid to speak up.
So the answer is to just bend to their will and take what they give you? What people don't understand is that they could give a rat's ass about their fellow Muslims. They'll kill them just as soon as they'd kill anybody else. They have no respect for human life and they're brainwashed from an early age to believe that you'll be a "martyr" if you kill others in the name of your religion. Any religion that claims God wants you to kill other human beings is bogus. Any religion that claims God will reward you with virgins in heaven for blowing women and children to pieces at the market is a crock of shit.
So for regular Muslims to support these fools is absurd. There's nothing in it for them. They're not any safer for supporting the radicals. In fact, they're in more danger BECAUSE of it. When people come to take the bad guys out, the regular folks will be caught in the crossfire because they chose to just live with it and cooperate with it. They didn't take the initiative to distance themselves from the bad guys. If everybody backed down to their oppressors, this world would be a terribly sad place (worse than it is now).
Imagine if nobody ever stood up to the Mafia. Imagine if nobody ever stood up to gangs in L.A. Imagine if nobody ever stood up to Hitler or Milosevic. At first, these groups might seem intimidating, but once you realize that they can be defeated, through cooperation with like-minded people, it's a no brainer. Evil cannot be allowed to prevail, whether it's the Mafia, street gangs, or Muslim radicals. GOOD people need to stand up and get rid of them.
I get that a lot. :)
Sorry. Be careful, as I've injured myself while stepping off of my soap box before. These days, I just stay on it.
If you thought they were pissed about the original cartoons wait until they see these!
My favarite one is with Bush walking out of the john. Good stuff!
I wish I read that language. I did find one that I liked though. I'll post it right now.
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