Disturbing, On So Many Levels

So, I'm reading the news today and I come across this story. It's a story about a girl in the UK that got pregnant at age 11. She started drinking at age 9, and got knocked up by a 15 year old during a drunken night out. She's about 8 months along and still smokes 20 cigarettes a day.
She said: "I can give up smoking at any time, but I don't find it affects my pregnancy."
Brilliant. (I think the baby would disagree with her assertion that it doesn't affect her pregnancy)
Her mom (who is still popping out babies herself) is proud of her. She sees nothing to be ashamed about. (Do they have trailer parks in the UK?)
There are SO many issues here, that I'm not even going to get into them. I'll let you make your own observations. I will say one thing though. The main issue here is the complete lack of parenting and family structure. Everything else stems from that.
I wish I had time to go into a rant about this, but I am short on time. Feel free to leave me your comments though, and I'll be sure to check in periodically.
Ya know, I could give up drinking firmented ammonia, but I find it doesn't affect my health system. In fact, it makes my pee turn blue.
It's people like this who make me advocate termless post-birth abortions.
Well, just when I was about to give up all my vices, this brilliant young lady came along and changed everything for me! Now I can keep my 2 pack, 5th of whiskey, 40 rock a day habit. Dam I feel good about being me. Thanks CFC
ed b -
I like the termless post-birth abortion idea.
boredatwork -
Brilliant young lady? Yeah, she's about as brilliant as her mom before her. I'm sure her kid will be equally as smart, since she's being raised in such a loving environment (one where she's knowingly exposed to carcinogens before she's even born). I'm sure once she's out of the womb, she'll be exposed to even better things like alcohol, unsecured cockroach poison, razor blades laying around the house, needles, teenagers banging her before she's even in middle school (just like mom), etc. And they cycle of stupidity continues...
Dunno if I can post images in these comment boxes, so here:
Made me think of good ol' mom in the article.
HA! That meth kit is sweet! I never had one when I was a kid. I guess my parents were actually involved in my life in a positive way. Shucks.
If you ask me, the majority of teh continent is a trailer park.
They call them caravans. I learned that by watching Snatch.
You have to have a liscense to drive a car, but ANYONE can have children. It makes me wonder whether a bird flu epidemic would really be a bad thing.
Oh, and thanks for the burfday shoutouts, nig!
I'm new to your blog and I love it. I don't really have any comments about your latest entry, but your spider topic killed me. The only way I can think to stop itching is to send you some pictures.
I will be honest with you. I couldn't look at all the pictures on this link. After I got to the 5th picture I was done.
Ok...you're not helping me with the spider pics. BAD. Very bad. A FISH-EATING spider??? WTF?
I assure you, if a spider can eat a fish...I don't want to be anywhere near it.
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