Fee, Fi, Fo, Figga...

If you haven't heard the story yet, I'll give you a brief synopsis (or you can read a story about it here).
The Capital Police are responsible for ensuring the safety of the lawmakers at the capital (and the public, I suppose). Georgia rep Cynthia Mckinney tried to walk past security the other day and was stopped by Capital Police, because she didn't go through the metal detector and security check.
When the Capital Police reached out to grab her, she turned around and hit the officer. She HIT...a POLICE OFFICER. Where I come from, that's assault. And this is someone that MAKES LAWS for you and I in this country! (utterly ridiculous)
Now, Cynthia happens to be a black woman. But just because she's black, that doesn't give her the right to cry racism. And just because she's a congresswoman, that doesn't exempt her from treating law officers with respect. She should be subject to the same security checks that everyone else is. Although, I have heard that lawmakers have little pins that identify them as such, and make the security checks easier. She did NOT have one of these pins on that day, by the way. I personally think all lawmakers should have to go through metal detectors like everyone else anyway (even though they don't).
Regardless, I think it's detestable that this woman is blaming this incident on racism. As I've stated many times before, the racism argument is TIRED already. You can't blame every negative thing that happens in your life on racism. Take RESPONSIBILITY for your own actions and your own life already. Quit using the color of your skin as an excuse for your poor behavior (and the resulting consequences).
There's no excuse for assaulting a police officer. I don't care if you're a congresswoman or a bum on the street. If you make the conscious decision to do so, then you deserve whatever response you get at that point.
Secondly, I still have not yet heard this woman take responsibility for her role in this incident. That is neither admirable nor acceptable. She should be brought up on charges, no doubt. Just like anybody else would be in this situation. She should not be treated differently because of the job she holds.
ACCOUNTABILITY. I wish people would learn it. And I really wish people could look beyond the color of their own skin and quit using it as an excuse to act stupid. I couldn't care less if McKinney was a purple mutant hermaphrodite with 5 eyes and a tail. The reason why she is in the news right now is because she is a MORON with no class or common sense. The color of her skin and her gender are irrelevant. I wish someone would let her know.

God, how I wish I could assault people and then blame it on them not liking me because I'm slightly overweight.
Seriously, she needs to be smacked around and that jungle of a hairdoo cut off with a rusty chunk of barbed wire. I always live that people are racist whenever they're in trouble with the law. Or they owe money.
What a moron.
ed b. -
Full of anger, you are.
- Yoda
Honey, it's assault and battery. Just pretending to hit someone is assault. That is all.
Thank you so much for setting me straight, B.V.
So sorry for the oversight.
Anytime. It's what I went to college and took all those fancy business law classes for. Don't know why assault and battery were a part of business law...then again I've thought about knocking a bitch out every now and again while at work...so there ya go.
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