I'm Not Fat, I'm Big Boned

I've always wondered how a person gets that fat. I figure, once you see the scale hit...ohh...FIVE HUNDRED...perhaps you might want to start reconsidering your eating habits?
Whenever I bring this subject up, people always say "well you don't understand" or "it's not their fault" or "they're just big boned".
First of all, there's no such thing as "big boned" Has anybody ever seen a fat skeleton? Fat people have more soft tissue and FAT than skinny people. They don't have bigger BONES than skinny people. Jeebus, people! Use your brains once in a while.
Secondly, it IS their fault (most of the time). Most of the fatter people I've known have definitely contributed to their weight being excessive. I see them eat. I see WHAT they eat. I don't see them exercise. It doesn't take a genius to figure out the outcome. I can look around my office right now and see food on fat people's desks. Fat people don't eat in moderation. They eat to excess. They've always got to have that extra donut, the extra helping of gravy on their bacon, the extra butter on their deep-fried cheese chunks, the extra lard on their lard cakes, the super sized soda, etc. That is why they're fat.
It's a very simple math equation. If you consume more calories than you burn, you will gain weight. Conversely, if you take in less calories than you burn, you will lose weight. If you don't like how much you weigh, you should eat less and exercise more. The only person making you fat is YOU.
Obviously, there are exceptions to this. For example, a person with a thyroid problem or diabetes, or something like that. People whose bodies don't function normally in one way or another. That, I can understand. I cannot sympathize with people who shovel food into their faces 10 times a day though.
Ok, I'm done ranting for a minute.

What a sad life. I hope he at least has some medical condition that is responsible for this. I'd hate for it to be attributed to nothing more than sheer laziness. Seriously, I hope he turns his life around.
wow. those pictures are just sick! I like the whole fat skeleton argument. Well put.
Haha. Nice to see you in this neck of the woods T-Bird. I feel bad when I gain like 3 pounds. I'm around 230 and I feel like a lardo sometimes. I can't imagine how that must feel.
It probably feels like you're giving 6 or 7 adults a piggy back ride all at once.
That man has a FUPA.
I have larger bones than a normal woman who is 5'5". I also have a giant head to fit right in with my giant bones. And, I can't stand when people call themselves "big boned" instead of fat. They of course are jiggling the whole time they are calling themselves such.
Also, if you had bigger bones...don't you think that you would have bigger muscles? You know to help you carry around those massive bones. Dude, you should see my guns!!!
What's FUPA again? I thought FUP was fat upper punani. Am I wrong?
I'm so out of the loop.
No, you are on the right track. It's fat upper pussy area. Punani sounds like a kind of bread you make sanmmiches on.
But, in his case it would be fat upper penis area.
Ha! I stand corrected. Thank you for the clarification.
And this guy definitely has one of those.
I'm a fat guy, but I'm also a big boned guy. In fact, that is the name of my competition barbecue team.
Right now, I am around 375lbs and wear a size 58 jacket. When I am at a normal weight for me, around 285lbs, I wear a size 58 jacket. My shoulders are huge, and no amount of weight loss can change that.
Flounder - I love your big ass, so it really doesn't matter.
Sadly, this guy has a FUA - fat upper everything.
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