Sopranos...why must you disappoint me this way?

Since when does a mafia story revolve around a fat, gay guy who is trying to explore his sexuality? I fail to see how Vito hanging out in an antique shop, or in the lobby of a bed & breakfast having tea contributes to the storyline at all. And what's with this random town that he stumbled into? 90% of the guys in this town are gay, apparently. The fire fighters, the diner employees, the business patrons, etc. It's like bizarro world, if bizarro world were gay. Is nothing sacred anymore?
Add to this the fact that Tony is getting soft and going easy on everybody after his near-death experience, and you've got one big estrogen-filled princess party. It's like watching a daytime soap opera at this point. Feelings...mercy...tears...LAME.
If they keep this up, I'm going to write a letter asking them to move the show to the Lifetime channel.
Bring back the cool mafia show that I used to enjoy every Sunday!!
I am Totally with you! After Sundays episode I am done with this love story. There is nothing to watch. Ever episode has a stupid story line. 3 Weeks ago it was all about Vito being gay. 2 Weeks ago it was about Artie being a crazed restaurant owner. Then they came back to life with Vito in bizzaro land. CRAP is what I say. NOTHING BUT CRAP!
I watched it and forgot it was the Sopranos for a second, but 6 Feet Under isn't on on Sundays. I was gonna comment about this yesterday in your last posting, but something told me to wait. They need to put the show out of its misery.
I've always been a little annoyed with the Sopranos and always thought it could be better than it was. They have never really finished story lines and every episode is something different. It worked for a little bit...but now..IT'S JUST GAY!!!
It's just all part of the way this week is going. Yesterday....I got hate mail calling me a reverse racist by some white hillbilly. I blogged about it. You should read it for the laughs. This morning my power went out and I was late for work and when I started my car my check engine light turned on. Damn it feels good to be a gangster.
BV - I'll definitely have to check out the "reverse racism" post when I get a few minutes. I always enjoy a good laugh. And I can never really get enough racism in my life. Always a good way to get people to take you seriously. Just say the "r" word (not).
And Patti...I agree. It's CRAP! I'm not even sure I'll continue watching (and I'm a pretty devoted Sopranos fan). Oh well. It's just TV. Maybe that means I should get out and do more on Sundays.
If they made cowboys gay, why wouldn't you think they'd make wise guys queer?
I'm sure that a professional athlete is next to be portrayed as gay in a movie.
Riiight. Because it's so "mainstream". BULLSHIT. It's no more mainstream than pedophelia or sheep-porking. It's all in the same category. Deviant sexual behavior.
Try as they might, they will never convince anyone that it's "normal" to be fruity.
And before I get a bunch of hate-postings...
I am in no way wishing anything bad upon the gay community. I'm sure they're all fine people and they can do whatever they want. I just don't want to hear about it. And I don't want my violent TV shows to be sissified any further.
You've proved your point. We get it. There are gay people in the world. Whoopty-freakin-do. It doesn't mean you have to artificially weave it into EVERY show on TV's storylines. I really don't see how it adds value to the show in any way whatsoever.
Good job covering those bases Norm. If they catch you slippin, they'll tear you apart and not have an intellectual discussion.
I never started watching the Sopranos, simply because it seemed like my kind of show. Why not watch it then?
Because I knew somewhere, sometime they'd screw it up. Like with 24 and House. I really wanna watch them, but I know if I get into them and they start bombing, I'll go super-psycho-depressed on everybody's arse.
BTW I posted the gay community's next issue in my newest post. First they assaulted marriage, now they're trying to take our bathrooms!!!1one
Prison Break...That's the answer to your dillemma! Been watching it from the beginning and it's never disappointed me. Very well-thought out plot. Try it, you'll see.
The Sopranos have officially "Jumped the Shark."
My feelings about homosexuals are the same as my feelings about fans of the Dallas Cowboys.
I don't have anyhting personally against any of them, but I like them a lot more when they keep that shit to themselves.
How 'bout them queerboys, errrr, cowboys!
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