Attention gullible public: Tookie Williams is NOT a hero of any sort!

He laughed at the gurgling noises his victims made as they died. He bragged about killing innocent people. He plotted to kill prison guards in an escape plan from prison. He threw chemicals in guards' faces in San Quentin. He's been in numerous prison fights. He's been known to conduct gang-related activities from inside prison. He was a bad enough person in prison to get put in solitary confinement for SIX years.
Is this really the type of person the NAACP wants to make a martyr out of? This person hurts their cause more than he helps. He's probably responsible for more black deaths than the KKK is today. Thousands have been killed through gang violence since the Crips were started.
I was watching the crazies that gathered at San Quentin in the middle of the night last night for the execution. Some were comparing him to Martin Luther King and Malcolm X. I've heard others compare him to Jesus. The vast majority of these people have never even met the man they're defending. Most probably don't even know the facts of the case.
My question is...WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE THESE DAYS? When Ted Bundy was executed, did you see people rallying to make a hero out of him? What about when Timothy McVeigh was executed? Why is Williams any different? All three are horrible criminals who have perpetrated unspeakable acts.
Are people today retarded? Tookie Williams has done nothing to merit being mentioned in the same sentence as MLK, Malcolm X...let alone Jesus. He's done nothing to further the cause of black Americans or civil rights. In fact, he's done quite a bit to set them back. And he's certainly done nothing to be compared to Jesus. That is absolutely offensive.
I don't think we as a society should take capital punishment lightly. However, that is the system we have in place. Either deal with it, or change it through the legislative process like civilized people. Just don't try to undermine the authority of the laws we have. And certainly be more selective in the "heroes" you choose to be an advocate for. You make yourselves look silly when you defend the indefensible.
I value human life just as much as anybody else. I don't think anybody takes pleasure in knowing that a person is being killed. But when I see people pleading for mercy on people like Tookie, it really irritates me. Sure, he portrayed himself as a man who found redemption. Sure, he co-authored some books. It was a nice try, and nice of him to attempt to offset some of the vile things he's done, but it doesn't change anything. Why should the justice system show any mercy for him, when he showed NO MERCY FOR THE PEOPLE HE KILLED? At least the executioners had the decency not to brag to their friends and laugh at sounds Tookie made as he was (humanely) euthanized. That's the difference. They didn't take pleasure in killing as Tookie did.
Good riddance, Tookie.
All political administrations suck ass. It's nothing unique to just this presidency. They're all a bunch of self-serving sonsabitches. And Shrubby is ok in my book. He acts a bit retarded sometimes, but he's ballsy. I like that he isn't too wishy washy. If only he could speak better...
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