Cindy, you annoying troll...
First of all, I just want to say the following about Cindy Sheehan. She's lost a son who served bravely in Iraq, and I sympathize with her grief for her son. He volunteered for the armed services and served honorably. Unfortunately, he lost his life fighting for his country and for the freedom of another. This is a risk all soldiers are aware of when they sign up. It's an incredible sacrifice for a person to make and we should all be proud and grateful for soldiers like him.
With that being said, I think SHE is a jackass. She is doing nothing to honor her son's name with her outrageous behavior. She has created this false sense of celebrity for herself, and dwells on the attention for her self worth. She is an attention whore who plays to the cameras whenever they're on. I've seen her at the White House, refusing to leave with a goofy smirk on her face, only to throw on the tears when the camera is on for her photo op. Her crusade has become very self serving, in my opinion and it's almost as if the anti-war cause is a second thought for her.

I'm wondering how a person could have so much time on their hands that Bush bashing would become a full time endeavor for them. Surely, she has bills to pay, right? It's pretty evident that she's being supported by the likes of Michael Moore and and all of the usual lefty sources, not to mention making money selling books. They are using her for their (perceived) benefit, without a doubt. Michael Moore has her plastered all over his site on a daily basis.
Nothing Cindy Sheehan does is going to change the U.S. policy on Iraq. Period. She knows that. And the left knows that. At least everybody with a brain knows it. However, they continue to help get her in the spotlight to further their agendas. They use her to draw attention without having to get their own hands dirty. They use her to "smear" the Bush administration and she is a good pawn for that. What's funny is that she does more harm than good for their cause. The more she's on TV, the sillier she looks. The more radical she gets, the more she looks like a basketcase nutjob. Politicians will find that associating themselves with a person like Sheehan will not be a good move for them. She does nothing to bring legitimacy to this anti-war cause. She does not come off as being very well educated or particularly articulate. Her sensationalist approach certainly doesn't demand respect. I'm quite certain that she is not an expert in foreign relations or international diplomacy either. So for her to try and tell the U.S. government how to conduct their business is quite laughable.
It's certainly her right to protest. I am not disagreeing with her right to speak her mind by any means. But there's a right way and a wrong way to do it. You can speak your mind and still treat others with respect, even if you oppose their views.
RIGHT WAY: Get involved with government. Become an active member of your local or federal legislative body. That is the way to be taken seriously and to actually affect change. Being a bomb-thrower in the media does nothing to change the issues you disagree with. That actually makes you look like a fool, more than anything.
WRONG WAY: Wearing inflammatory t-shirts to the State Of The Union speech in hopes of a photo op and to disrupt the occasion.
That is precisely what she did (or tried to do) last night at the president's State Of the Union address. She came in with a jacket on over her shirt that said "2245 dead - how many more?". This was neither the time nor the place for her to try and steal the spotlight. The world does not revolve around her. There are many complex issues that the President of the United States must deal with, not just Sheehan. She needs to get a clue.
What's even worse is that after her arrest last night, she tried to act like she had no intention of disrupting the speech. Give me a friggin break! On Michael Moore's website, she's painting herself as some sort of innocent spectator at the speech who was wrongly persecuted.
"I had just sat down and I was warm from climbing 3 flights of stairs back up from the bathroom so I unzipped my jacket. I turned to the right to take my left arm out, when the same officer saw my shirt and yelled, "Protester." He then ran over to me, hauled me out of my seat and roughly (with my hands behind my back) shoved me up the stairs. I said something like, "I'm going, do you have to be so rough?" By the way, his name is Mike Weight."Aww...poor Cindy. Feel free to go read her account in its entirety. I'm not going to post it all here. She claims that she was arrested "because she was protesting". Mind you, she claimed before that she had merely removed her jacket because she was "warm" - not because she wanted to protest. It was simply a coincidence that she had an inflammatory message on her shirt at a televised political speech. Riiiiiight. Make up your mind, Cindy.
She even claims that she's wrongfully vilified for "disagreeing with the government". That is simply not true. She makes a target of herself by the WAY she conducts herself. Not only that, but she is not even the only one that was removed from that speech last night. A REPUBLICAN representative's wife was removed as well. She was removed for wearing "support the troops" shirt for the same reason that Sheehan was removed for wearing her anti-war shirt. Both are disruptive and inappropriate for that forum.
Additionally, in 1999, a man was removed from the Senate gallery for wearing a shirt protesting Clinton. It said, "Clinton doesn't inhale, he sucks". As funny as that is, it's totally inappropriate and makes that guy look like an idiot. So, it's not an issue of Bush "quieting dissenters". It's a personal conduct thing. Don't act like a jackass and you won't be removed. It's really pretty simple.
That's all the ranting I can do right now. I'm sure you're all asleep by now anyway. I would apologize for the rambling, but I'm not really sorry. :)

Love the pics! Those are great!
Her son is rolling over in his grave right now! She is dishonoring everything that he stood for and someone should chop her off at the head before she contaminates the rest of the world!
I agree that she is dishonoring everything he stood for, as well as his sacrifice. However, I don't think we should "chop her off at the head". The more she talks, the more she exposes herself as being ridiculous. Like I said, she actually hurts the causes that she is being used for. Most reasonable people see her for what she is. The same goes for her left wing cohorts. They are very transparent.
You're right that Sheehan "does not come off as being very well educated or particularly articulate."
Sometimes that is just enough to get somebody elected president.
Say what you will about Sheehan, she at least has the courage of her convictions and strength of character to identify herself, unlike those who choose to remain safely "anonymous" when they call for her decapitation.
Seems as though folks on both sides of the issue don't do much for their cause when they engage in hyperbolic rhetoric.
Sonya broguht your blog to my attention since we wrote on the same issue with two different views. She has both of us in her links.
I've scrolled down to read a little bit more of what you have to say about various issues. In regard to your rant about "Brokeback Mountain," let me suggest that the adultery that took place in that film was the result of a society that experiences such bigotry that gay men feel forced into relationships with women in order to hide from the discrimination. If we truly lived in a "tolerant" society then gay men wouldn't feel as though they had t hide by trying to approximate a heterosexual life. I don't even want to start listing the films that feature heterosexual adultery. I don't have that many hours.
As for defining oneself soley on the hole you put your peepee in: that seems to be the creation of the religious right, not the gay community. We have been asking for years to be considered real human beings just like anybody else. It's those who oppose giving us the rights and privileges that they already enjoy that insist on focusing on the manner in which we have sex.
Concentrate on being a good person, you suggest. Well, I go to the grocery store, brush my teeth, and watch television just like anybody else. I always return the cart to the car corral instead of leaving it in the middle of the parking lot. When I'm in a relationship, I don't cheat. I do volunteer work on Fridays and I attend church services on Sundays. I pay my taxes in April and I vote in November. From where I sit, that puts me on par with most Americans and perhaps makes me a "better" person than many ... but some people just cannot see that because all they want to focus on is the butt-sex.
You want me to keep my homosexuality in the bedroom? That's fine. I'll keep the explicit oral and anal sex hidden from view. That's only civil. I expect the same from all people, heterosexual and gay alike. But how dare you suggest that I am somehow taking my sexuality out of the bedroom when I am simply honest about who I am as a person in public, whether it be shopping with friends or holding a boyfriend's hand as we walk down the street. Every single time two heterosexuals go on a date, gaze longingly at each other over the dinner table, and kiss in the movie theater they reveal their sexuality to the whole world. How is behaving in exactly the same manner that the heterosexuals around us something to be denigrated for?.
You don't need a Heterosexual Pride Day. Every day is Heterosexual Pride Day. You benefit from heterosexual privilege every single day. I'll feel more sympathetic to your concerns once the CIS threatens to deport your partner, a highly-trained cardiac nurse who saves lives on a daily basis, because the government refuses to extend the same civil rights to you by letting you get married so the person you love can remain in the country where you reside. Maybe when you're done celebrating Heterosexual Pride Day you can move on to White Pride Day.
Historydetective -
You talk about hyperbolic rhetoric, yet you make a comment like "Sometimes that is just enough to get somebody elected president." If your insults to the majority of Americans that elected Bush (twice) isn't hyperbole, I don't know what is. Your opinion that Republicans aren't well educated or articulate is just that. Your opinion.
Defining people by their sexual preference is NOT a creation of the religious right, my friend. Have you ever been to or seen a gay parade? Men dressed in g strings and not much else, walking other men on leashes with ball gags in their mouths. Men dressed as women, people engaged in obscene behavior for everyone to see (including children). I've seen it with my own eyes, sir. I submit to you that THEY are the ones that define themselves - not the "religious right". I don't see how this ostentatious behavior is necessary to further their/your cause. It's almost as if they go out of their way to display deviant behavior, so they can get more attention and try to shock people. It hurts your gay movement and you should direct your concerns their way instead of blaming conservatives.
While I don't agree with your lifestyle, I do thank you for paying your taxes and returning the grocery cart. I hope that foreign nurse situation works out for you. Just so you know, many people immigrate to this country without getting married. Good day to you.
Mackenzie -
I never said that Bush is perfect. He quite often makes an ass out of himself. He's a politician for crying out loud. I don't claim to be an advocate for him, I just believe in supporting the office of the presidency. Some degree of national unity would benefit us all. It sure beats partisan bickering just for the sake of bickering - which is what we're going to see more and more of before elections.
I will refrain from going into a PETA rant (for now). I despise them, but again, they do more harm to their cause than they do good. So, I say let them speak.
I think I get a lot of anonymous comments because a lot of non-bloggers comment on my site. So, all of you anonymous haters behave and leave them alone.
What a happy Thursday discussion this is turning out to be. :)
Sonya -
By the way, thank you for making this thread so long by bringing your buddy in here lol.
Are you TRYING to keep me from my work this morning?
I don't recall saying that all conservatives are stupid. I merely implied that one in particular is not as bright as I desire a president (from either party) to be. I won't quibble about whether a majority of Americans elected the man, though I do seem to recall that the Electoral College results belied the popular vote back in 2000. One of my best friends is a conservative who did fundraising for Bush in 2004; he is also a Ph.D. candidate at a prestigious university. Both of my parents vote Republican. I certainly do not think that all Republicans are stupid, just one in particular.
And as for the way that gay folk are defined by society, I think that there's enough blame to go around. The guys that you described certainly are not model citizens, but they represent a minority of the gay community. I don't appreciate being stereotyped based on their actions. There's a guy in my department who has an open marriage so he and his wife have sex with all kinds of partners, sometimes in public settings. I would never dream of assuming that all heterosexuals engage in such behavior just because I have seen a few do so. I would never denigrate the 35 years of marriage that my parents have experienced together by letting my views of them as individuals be sullied by the behaviors of other folks who just happen to be heterosexuals as well. I ask you to do me the favor of not lumping all gay men together in the same category.
I still can't figure out what part of my supposed "lifestyle" you don't agree with. You appreciate that I pay my taxes and that I return grocery carts. So what part is the problem? Is it the voting? The volunteer work? Attending church services? Brushing my teeth? Watching DVDs? Shopping for groceries? Being monogamous with a person I love? What part of that lifestyle is objectionable to you?
Or is it only the butt-sex?! If it is, then I suggest that you re-visit your views of who defines gay people strictly by which hole they put their peepee in.
I'm sorry. I was composing my last comment when you posted your message to Sonya or else I wouldn't have bothered. If I had know that you find it distracting to be exposed to a view other than your own or that you had concerns about reading "long" messages then I would have spared you. If it makes you more comfortable to run a little world of perfect agreement, then go right ahead and delete all my comments. Nobody forced you to respond.
Historydetective -
I don't want to rehash the 2000 election, nor do I wish to debate Bush's intelligence level with you.
As far as swingers and "open marriages" go, I don't agree with that either. Infidelity is infidelity, and why get married if you don't plan on being monogomous? The difference is that the media is not saturated with their issue, like it is with homosexual issues. You're talking apples and oranges here. There is no political movement trying to further the "swinger agenda" like there is with homosexuality. Swingers aren't trying to shove their lifestyle down the throats of the public, like many gays do. (yes, I do realize there's a pun/joke to be made here, but I'll refrain)
And since we don't seem to be clear here, let me spell it out. The part of your lifestyle I don't agree with is the SODOMY part. You say you go to church on Sundays. I'm assuming that you study the bible in this church. Is that a fair assumption? Do you just skip the part where it talks about sodomy, or do you just choose not to take those messages to heart because it interferes with your lifestyle?
Look - I don't want to argue with you. You seem like an intelligent enough person, and a nice guy. You have your views, and I have mine. Let's just agree to disagree here, because we could go back and forth on this forever.
historydetective -
Opposing views are always welcome here. I was being facetious in my comments to Sonya.
Get a sense of humor, bud. It makes life much easier.
I don't "run a little world of perfect agreement" nor do I plan on deleting your comments. Feel free to post anytime. I enjoy intelligent debate. It sure beats trying to argue with Farkers. Just ease up and relax a bit is all I ask.
Thank you, come again. - Apu
I just realized...Didn't this start out as a Cindy Sheehan rant?
(scratching my head with a puzzled look on my face)
Sorry to start a debate. I just brought up that you two had posted the same thing with different views and that I appreciate everyone's view. Anyway, gave you and him something to rant on today. Now, back to Ms. Shehan.
P.S. I may not agree with everyone's view, but I respect the right everyone has to have their own views. It is your blog state what you feel and what you want. People with different opinions just keep the comments more interesting.
Mac - It was all me. I'm the bad person.
*hangs head down in shame*
No, I'm not anonymous on anything. You should know that. LOL! I was saying it was my fault for the debate today in the earlier post from HD.
Mackenzie's right, Sonya. I like the debate. I know full well that if I post political rants, someone will have something to say. :)
I know you agree with me, Mac. Great minds think alike.
My friend works at DFW (Texas) airport and emailed me that Bush was coming in on Airforce One tommorrow. I told her to take pics. I'm sure CFC would have some fun with them. LOL!
Ok, I'm going to be away from my computer for the rest of the day. You've all got a reprieve, but I'll be back tomorrow.
I'm black and definitely do not agree with all of CFC's views but Do most heartedly agree that this is his space to speak his mind. I wouldn't want someone to come to my blog and tell me how to think or how to post either.
In time we learn things that change our opinions of the world and people in the world but that is still something that has to come on our own.
Blindslim -
Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate your comments and your respect for my opinions.
/not black
//not white (sorry to shock you, EmilyRugburn)
///color has no relevance to me in my discussions or in my day to day life (other than to point out obvious inconsistencies in the "racism" argument)
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