That's what you get...MORON!

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Firefighters in Orlando had to save a burglary suspect who was trying to climb down the chimney of a convenience store on West Washington Street and got stuck.
This is a picture of a piece of crap that was trying to burglarize a convenience store and got stuck in the vent. I would vote for leaving him there. Screw him. Why go through the trouble of pulling him out? Leave him there so he can think about his life and the choices he's made. Go get a job, idiot.
Brrrrr! It's getting COLD outside! Hey, I Know!! Let's Get a FIRE going in the FIREPLACE!
Oh...I forgot...Orlando "FLORIDA".
Well...MAYBE we can just burn some "Trash" in the fireplace. Or maybe just roast some weenies!
Anyone want a thief kabob? Problem with leaving the fool there to die is his family would sue the PD and the FD because he is now a victim. Probably say the MAN forced him in there! HAHA And he might start to stink after a while!
This should be on the worlds dumbiest crimnal show.
Hahahaha you guys are cracking me up over here!
Yeah, he was "forced" into the chimney by the poverty and the government (it's not because he doesn't want to get a job or work for a living). I can hear it now. Sadly, I could see him winning a lawsuit against the rescuers for "not rescuing him soon enough" and causing him emotional distress.
What a warped system we have.
and by the way...thanks for trying to stir up the gay issue again, Mackenzie. We haven't heard quite enough about that this past week.
The funny thing is, all the gays that supposedly "hate me" and think I'm a "bigot" continue to come back here day after day. I see them on my webstat tracker. They must not know that I can see when they were here.
If you don't like what I have to say and are so sensitive to my comments, then why are you always here reading my posts? Are you bored at the office or are do you just like me THAT much?
I AM pretty damn lovable. I'm a pretty charasmatic sumbitch, so I can understand why a person would be drawn to me.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the straight people, gays/lesbians, midgets, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, monkeys, amputees, death row inmates, tuna eaters, ousted dictators, movie watchers, black people, white people, latinos, Asians, Jews, nearsighted people, government agents, police officers, musicians, criminals, elephants, breast feeding moms, breast feeding kids, conservatives, liberals, and anyone else who comes here to read this drivel.
I'm sorry if I left anybody out. I promise, it wasn't intentional if I did. I just have a short attention span and lose interest while I'm making lists of any kind.
hahahah! you said tuna eater!
I don't really see a danger of that happening. :)
Well, I admit..."emoticons" ARE pretty darn gay. However, they are necessary in this geeky internet world. Without them, some people might accuse you of being mean. With the little smiley, you know I'm "smiley". I wouldn't want people to think I'm (gasp) mean or something!
don't we all know that tuna is a fish! so why is it called tunafish?
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