Criminals Are Idiots

The short story is that this idiot (Jerome Nez) got arrested for carjacking. He was released because the witness/victim refused to testify. Within minutes of him being released on those charges, he carjacks another person's Jeep at a gas station across the street from the jail.
It gets better. There's a 4 year old child in the car at the time. And if that's not enough, the parents of the 4 year old child are a Sheriff's deputy and a bail bondsman (does that seem like a conflict of interests, or is it just me?). Anyway, they end up shooting at the guy after the 4 year old jumps out and the guy ends up crashing. He's subsequently arrested and put back in the slammer.

I'm not sure they were justified in shooting, as this was a crime against property and there was no lethal threat once he was driving away. But that will be up to the investigators to decide.
My question is this: HOW STUPID DO YOU HAVE TO BE??? What makes a person walk out of a jail and commit another crime within minutes of being released?
THAT should tell you how lax and easy our jails are. I've said it before. Our jails and prisons are a joke and criminals know it. It's obviously not that bad of a punishment if a guy has that little fear of getting thrown back in there. If our jails were so bad, they would do everything they could to stay out of there. As it is now, criminals laugh at the system. They know that they won't be kept inside because of legal loopholes, early release, etc. And even if they don't get released, it's not that bad in there anyway.
We've got whiny, crybaby activists in the U.S. who think our system is so "cruel". I disagree. I think our jails and prisons need to be far worse and drastically less accommodating than they are. I guarantee you, a thief in the Middle East would not get out of jail and go right across the street and commit another crime. You want to know why? Because the authorities would have cut their hands off or killed them!
I'm not saying we need to be barbaric or start mutilating people like they do over there, but we definitely need to get away from pampering our prisoners. It's PUNISHMENT. They shouldn't get TV, weights, vocational training, etc like they do now. They should be locked up in a cold cell and be given the minimum sustenance needed to survive. Why give them more, so they can make themselves stronger (and a threat to the other prisoners)? When they get out, they should be frail and weak so they will have a harder time victimizing others.
My other idea is that we make prisoners work hard labor. Have them on a chain gang or something. Use their labor to generate revenue for the state for all I care. Just punish them somehow.
At the very least, we need to make it a little more uncomfortable for them. And maybe it will serve as more of a deterrent, so idiots like Jerome Nez won't be so quick to get out and re-offend.
Ed Zachary.
I'm tellin you...we gotta put some fear into these morons.
Bring back Old Sparky!
jails are simply for those who have been arrested. prison is a criminals longterm home. and prisons usually allow much more "comforts of home" than jails. and everyone in jail is not guilty, or a bad person. they need only be arrested. we have trials to determine whos a criminal or not. some people go to jail for relatively minor incidents. jails should not be any worse than they are. have you ever been in jail?
finally, im outraged someone like Nez has been released with his charges dropped. also, even if he was prosecuted succesfully, i doubt he would get enough time in PRISON to satisfy me. i regard carjacking with a gun (especially with a tattoo like he has!) a very serious offense. if the victim refused to testify, charges should have still gone forward. im outraged! i say carjackers should get around 15 years of "rehabilitaion"... in prison or course.
What does his tattoo have to do with the severity of his offense?
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