"Woke up this mornin'...got myself a gun..."

It's been so damn long that I've forgotten what the heck is going on in the show though. That pisses me off when they take so long between seasons. Should there really be YEARS between seasons of a show?? Those bastards.
I'm thinking there will be some crazy stuff happening on this season, simply because it's supposed to be the last. I'd say the first episode last night was a good start. If that's any indication of how the season is going to be, I'd say it should be pretty good. We shall see.
I understand your frustration and feel your pain in waiting so long. I have to say that last nights episode was not as great as expected it to be. Because we had to wait so long, I think in my mind I expected more, and for it to start off with something crazy.
I'd say the end was pretty crazy. Uncle Junior has turned into a KOOK! I can't wait until next Sunday.
I think I need to order the complete series on DVD. Then, I could watch it from beginning to end.
I'd need to set aside a few weeks to have time to watch it though.
Yes the whole Uncle June thing was crazy but why waste so much time on the guy that hung himself? Or the stupid new car thing for Carmila? And Bobbie playing with his trains? To me that is a big waste of great scandalous killing, fighting, sex and money craving time. I just hoped for more of the goods all together. Dont get me wrong I love the show, I just hoped for some more.
I hear ya. I'll reserve judgement until after it gets going a little more though.
How did this go from The Sopranos, to a Billy Joel song?
Cool like that?
Who are you, Digable Planets?
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