My Prediction: There Will Be No Riots
A small college newspaper in Saskatchewan (The Sheaf) recently published a cartoon depicting Jesus giving a pig a b.j. You may or may not have heard about it, but I've got several comments about this.
(Click to enlarge)

1. Why isn't this a big news story? When the cartoon depicting Mohammed with a bomb on his head came out, the WORLD was outraged. Muslim fanatics rioted. People died. Embassies were burned down. Apologists made excuses and tried to pacify the Muslims. Etc, etc, etc. (see: previous rant)
2. I'm glad this isn't a big news story. That's the way it should be. Who cares if some jackass wants to publish an offensive cartoon? I think it's trash and that it's vastly more offensive than the Mohammed cartoon, but I don't have to look at it, so who cares? Why give them the attention? If the news reported every offensive gesture, or inflammatory statement, the daily newspaper would be 6 inches thick. We already know that there are hateful idiots all over the world. This isn't news.
3. I also take notice of the fact that offended Christians are NOT rioting and killing people in the streets. See the difference, you crazy Muslim fanatic freaks?? You CAN be offended and not resort to violence! Imagine that!
4. The Sheaf chose not to publish the Mohammed cartoons "out of respect for Islam", but they publish crap like this Jesus cartoon? Does that mean that they do respect Islam, but they don't respect Christianity? Or is it that they're just scared of Muslims because of the violent, bloodthirsty lunatic factor? (i.e., TERRORISM)
Who knows? Pay attention to how this one unfolds though. I'm curious to see what happens (if anything). I do predict that there will be NO rioting and killing in the streets by Christians.
I agree whole heartedly, being a Christian I don't want to go destroy buildings or stone people or set things ablaze.
"The Prophet shouldn't be shown or depicted" because it may lead to idol worshipping.
...But burning buildings and killing people? Oh that's perfectly fine.
That's one messed up religion.
Ed -
Yeah, there certainly are a lot of crazy sumbitches in that "religion of peace". I know they're not ALL like that, but I'd say the vast majority are. The ones that aren't, might as well be, because they never speak out against the bad ones. They pretty much condone it, in my opinion.
Mackenzie -
You shouldn't have done that. I'm sure that felt less than pleasurable.
You hit the nail on the head CFC. I have a Muslim family that comes into my store and they're the nicest people I've dealt with.
Someone on the talk radio circuit tonight was talking about "Well there's different branches of Christianity, and there's different branches of Islam..."
I dunno if that's true or not. The only time I hear of different branches in Islamic areas is the different "Jihad Brigades" or "Holy Warriors" or "Freedom Movements" in Iraq kidnapping somebody. =-(
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