Vile Parents Breed Vile Offspring
Okay, here's one for ya.
A guy makes some Anaheim gang members mad. They kidnap the guy's 23 year old girlfriend. The seven gang members and 3 female associates proceed to gang rape this poor girl (to "teach her boyfriend a lesson") over a 7 hour period of time. The Anaheim police chief called it "one of the worst rapes I've seen in my 35 years of experience". Forced oral copulation, forcibly using objects, forcible rape, and false imprisonment were among some of the charges.
Here's the kicker. One of the rapists (18 year old Martin Carlos Delgado) even had his mom there to watch. 38 year old Connie Herrera Retana was there the whole time, encouraging her son to carry out this awful crime. Nothing makes a gang rape more fun than having your mom looking over your shoulder in approval!

You'll have to read the story (link provided above) for all the details.
I'd like to say I'm shocked that a parent could witness something like this and actually participate. But I'm not shocked. I'm sadly aware that this world is full of sick people like this. I'm assuming that this wasn't the traditional family unit that I grew up with. I notice that the mom has a different last name than the boy, and I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that the dad probably doesn't have much to do with this kid. This mother obviously has no regard for her child, or herself for that matter. She failed miserably in her role as a mother. Actually, I think I'll refer to her as a "breeder" rather than a mother. I can't see any behavior displayed that would even loosely be considered "mother-like".
It sickens me that people like this breed and pollute the rest of the world with their shitty genes. Look at the kind of legacy her and her child are leaving for the world. Vile people breed vile offspring.
I wish people would have to take some sort of test before they were allowed to have babies. Background check maybe? Perhaps a simple intelligence test? Maybe one of the questions could be:
- If your son wants to gang rape an innocent woman, do you:
A) Call the police
B) Grab your dumbass kid by the ear and enroll him in boot camp
C) Ignore him, and continue having unprotected sex with random men or
D) Cheer him on, encourage it, and watch the crime as it happens
People disgust me. That is all.
Yes, I think mom and son should both have been abortions.
Definite shitstains on the underwear of America.
hahahaha Mackenzie, you are one twisted individual. :)
I could barely talk to my mom about girls I had crushes on.
Let alone rape one infront of her.
A sexually open son and his uncaring mother? Call NBC! We've got a sitcom idea!
They'd never pick up the sitcom unless there was a gay main character. I think it's a requirement these days.
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