I've made an interesting observation...
In observing the recent debate about the death penalty, I've noticed a few things. And yes - you guessed it...I'm going to share my observations. Whether you like it or not.
Ok, I've seen the bleeding heart liberals and left-wingers bending over backwards to defend terrible criminals (who have proven themselves unfit to interact with other human beings in a civilized society). I've seen them defend murderers, rapists, and the like in a way that just boggles my mind. I've seen them attack people on the other side of the argument because they feel that the punishment fits the crime (death penalty). I've seen them do all they can to free criminals and/or get them a stay of execution. Sometimes, they're actually successful.
They talk about how "life is precious" and "we aren't God" and it's "not our right to kill another human being", etc. (when talking about the capital punishment)
However...I'm noticing that typically, these are the same people that are proponents of abortion (including partial-birth abortion). They want people to be able to chop their near full-term babies into pieces and suck their brains out, should they choose to. Am I the only one that finds that ironic (not to mention despicable)?
Let's make this clear. They want THESE types of people's lives spared:
(Scott Peterson-Wife/Child Murderer, Richard Ramirez-Satanic Murderer, John Muhammed-Sniper Murderer, Ted Bundy-Serial Killer/Rapist)

But apparently not innocent lives such as this poor little guy who had his brains literally sucked out (Warning: GRAPHIC):

Don't get me wrong. I don't claim to be for or against abortion issues. You can do what you want. Actually, let me amend that. I think a "morning after"pill or RU486 pill very early on is one thing. But actually mutilating a full-term baby just seems barbaric to me. Just something to think about. Whose lives are we really valuing in our society?
You are correct. It does go both ways. However...on one side, you're killing criminals and saving innocent babies. On the other, you're killing innocent babies and saving criminals.
Which side would you rather be on? :)
Mmmmm...piggies... (drools)
Have you ever thought maybe some of those rapists and murderers the state is executing are - gASP! - NOT GUILTY.
Choose life. Give babies the chance to live. Give criminals a chance at redemption.
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I agree with you, Anonymous...whoever you are. We should give babies a chance at life.
Criminals on the other hand, forfeit their rights as soon as they victimize an innocent person for no reason. When they devalue the life of another, they give up their rights to life and liberty. If there are no consequences, then a society runs amok.
The prison system is a joke. It's not a deterrent for some of these people. When their families and/or fellow gang members are in there, they like it. They've got cable tv, rec centers, 3 hot meals a day, plenty of reading time, conjugal visits, etc.
Some FREE people don't even have that. Some law-abiding people struggle just to carve out a meager existence in a 1 bedroom apartment, struggling to feed their kids. They don't have cable tv, they don't have rec centers, 3 free meals each day...
I propose the implementation of CHAIN GANGS!! Make them work hard labor. Punish them for their crimes against the law-abiding society.
Use them to generate revenue to offset the burden they place on law-abiding taxpayers. We've got better things to spend our tax money on.
And as far as innocence goes...ALL prisoners are innocent. Just ask them.
The American justice system gives people plenty of opportunity to exonerate themselves through the appeals process.
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