God Bless America - Happy Memorial Day

With the media constantly bombarding us with negative images of the U.S. and our military, it's important to dig deeper and seek the truth. We need to get back to the days of patriotism in America. Return to the days where we as a country supported our brave men and women that put themselves in harms way for us ALL.
Pick up a history book. Re-acquaint yourselves with what it really means to be an American. Also, to remember just how bloody war USED to be. Be thankful for the advances of our modern military and their ability to greatly reduce U.S. casualties in times of conflict.
I'm reading a book about WWII right now, called Flags of Our Fathers. It's a really good book. It is written by the son of one of the flag raisers at Iwo Jima. It describes, in vivid detail, just some of the horrors that our soldiers endured to secure America's freedom. It chronicles the lives of the 6 men in that famous picture. It's pretty intense.
In just ONE battle at Iwo Jima, the U.S. lost in excess of 5,000 men in just ONE DAY. Compare that to our modest losses in the war we're in now. We've been in Iraq for over 3 years and we've lost in the neighborhood of 2,400 soldiers. We lost a total of 26,000 at Iwo Jima when all was said and done. Twenty six THOUSAND. By comparison, I think that's pretty remarkable.

I recommend the book, for sure. It's a pretty moving account of the events of that era.
As Americans, don't forget the sacrifices our soldiers have made for our freedom. We all enjoy a very privileged lifestyle because of the valor and bravery of many people who are no longer with us. My grandfather was one of those, awarded the Purple Heart during WWII. He was one of the lucky ones to make it back alive though. My father served, as well as many cousins, uncles, great uncles, etc. in all branches of the armed forces. I've got friends serving right now.
To them all, I say THANK YOU.
I don't think we will ever be grateful enough.
I went with my father to a couple of National Cemetaries yesterday. We took some pictures and paid our respects. I think I cried the whole damn time.
There were a few grave markers that read WWII, Korea and Vietnam. Can you imagine?
I am surrounded by the military everyday of my life. Some of my best friends are in the military. There's probably not a day that goes by that their sacrifices don't cross my mind.
I'm proud to be a NAVY brat!!!
When you get a chance defiantly read Flyboys! I think you would enjoy it! However, be prepared to get a little upset with some of the context.
back in the old days, it was cool to wave your sword and shout charge! letting your guys run at a mountain of machine guns til everyone of em died and meanwhile, you sat back down in your bunker and eat a fat ham sandwhich.
blondevigilante -
Good girl! Where have you been?
boredatwork -
Will do, sir.
johnny -
I'm not sure where you're going with this, but I do like ham sandwiches.
God bless em and God bless America. We need it.
BTW johnny, there was also a time where it was cool to love your country and many would give anything to keep it the way it was.
There was a time when it was cool to call things like they were: illegal imigrants weren't "undocumented workers". Nazis weren't people of "a different ideological belief". Liars were liars. Psychos were psychos.
Gah I hate political correctness.
ed b -
I agree. Political correctness needs to go away. We need more truth and bluntness in America. Call it like you see it. Don't pull punches. Be direct and honest.
People need to face the truth sometimes. There is no "right to not get offended" in America. I'm not sure why people are under the impression that there IS.
If someone says you're an illegal alien, it's because you A) broke the law to come here (see: ILLEGAL) and B) are owing political allegiance to another country or government (see: ALIEN).
If that bothers you, then maybe you shouldn't have made the conscious choice to break our laws and become an illegal alien. It's all a direct result of YOUR choices. I'm just calling it like I see it.
I didn't mean to get off topic here, because this post was about thanking our men and women in uniform.
They are why we are free to rant on goofy blogs like mine. They are the reason we are a free nation, where everybody from every other country wants to come (both legally and illegally). Without a superior military, a country is just a target.
The military is the reason why we're not ruled by England, a Japanese Emperor, a fanatical Nazi dictator, or Communist Russia right now (or worse).
USA! USA! USA! (When you say it like Homer Simpson, it's closer to what I'm hearing in my head)
Here's a couple of blog posts I found...I think you'll find it refreshing.
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