Wow. If anybody thinks that THEY are having a bad day...
Just look at this poor girl to bring it into perspective. She's got a huge tumor on her face that she is (luckily) having removed. Kinda makes your petty insecurities pale in comparison, huh? Whatever bad things you're going through in your life probably don't compare to what this girl has to overcome. Count your blessings.
(Read the full article by clicking the link above)

On a totally unrelated note...does anybody remember that game, Hungry Hungry Hippo?
(I'm really going to hell for even thinking that. I'd better start looking for a nice handbasket now.)
Hahahahaha I actually WAS serious about everything I said. It's just that I couldn't rid myself of the hungry hungry hippo image in my head.
I'm sorry, Jeebus. Please forgive me.
If I'm not forgiven, it's just as well. All the hot chicks are going to be in hell anyway. :) Right? (pleeeeease say I'm right)
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