The Middle East Is Full Of Batshit-Crazy People
Seriously...WTF is going on in the Middle East? I mean, this Israeli-Lebanese thing is nothing new, but comethefuckon!! Enough already. Why can't these Arabs just leave the Jews alone?? It's 2006, for crying out loud. Get over your ancient discrepancies.
Here's the thing...Americans aren't perfect, but at least we make PROGRESS. A couple hundred years ago, we were still enslaving people for our own benefit. Over the years, we've worked together to better ourselves as a society. We learn and we grow. America today is much different than it was two hundred years ago. We try not to live in the past.
The Middle East, however, is still fighting wars from the past. They are no farther along than they were back then. They brainwash and instill hatred in their children from the time they're toddlers. They perpetuate the conflict. They're taught to hate from a young age and carry it on from generation to generation. I won't even get into the religious lunacy that they preach. Any religion that teaches it's followers to HATE others and KILL others is not a legitimate religion in my book.
By contrast, most civilized societies get over conflicts and move on. They try to work through differences, build new relationships and compromise. Just look at Japan and the U.S. Both countries hated each other 60 years ago. They bombed us, we nuked them and put them in internment camps here. Now look at us. Our economies are so closely connected that one can't do without the other now. We depend on their technology and they depend on our pop culture and karaoke. The prime minister of Japan is actually emulating Elvis Presley at news conferences for pete's sake!
If we can grow and learn, why can't they?? WTF is their problem? Well...I'm thinking maybe this picture I found on the internets can help explain some of it. I think the caption said something like, "why the Middle East is in such deep shit".

I wonder how peaceful and civilized the US would be if tomorrow all the oil was gone?
I think that you answered your questions in the first paragraph.
It's 2006, for crying out loud.
In the middle east, it is 1066 forever.
Oil, schmoil. We don't need their o....ahh shit. Nevermind.
flounder - I agree. 1066 wasn't even cool when it was 1066 though. Crazy bastards.
I was hoping that comment wouldn't be taken the wrong way. I just think that all you would have to do is change a few variables in the US and we would be just like them if not worse.
Look how bat shit crazy people turned after Katrina. When you feel hopeless and that all is lost you just don't give a rats ass about anything else.
If it weren't for our commercialism and need for shiny new bullshit we would live much like they do. Clay huts and all.
Am I glad that I live in the US? Yes, very. Do I know how thin the line that keeps us from going crazy is? Yes, I do. Don't push me...or I'll cross it...I mean it...I'll turn this car around. Oh, wait...where am I?
bv - We would never live like they do. We do not harbor the pure hatred for other human beings like they do. We don't teach our children to hate other people just because they're Jewish. Or because they have a different religion than ours. Or because they're successful.
There have been times in our history where we weren't as prosperous. Many did live in clay huts. Some still do. Ever been to the southwest?
We still didn't act like they do over there.
Well, that's not entirely true. American settlers DID slaughter Native Americans pretty regularly. They pretty much wiped them out (pretty f-ed up move, I might add). I'm not sure if hatred for Natives was as pervasive here as hatred for Jews is over there though. Sure, SOME hated them. But I don't think it was everybody.
Maybe that's the answer. One side or the other needs to wipe out the other side (Arabs or Jews). Maybe that will make it a little more quiet over there.
Just an idea.
I guess I probably try to hard to find the good in people. It's this horrible affliction I have. I know what you're saying. It's hard to wrap your head around (ha ha) something like an intense hatred like that.
I was watching a news program the other night and they said the following (I'm paraphrasing, of course):
If Hezbollah, Hamas, (terrorist organizations) are disarmed - Israel will pull back and there will be peace.
Conversely, if Israel lays down its arms, it will be destroyed by the aforementioned groups.
I agree 100%. You can't negotiate a peace deal with TERRORISTS. They attack and provoke Israel all the time. Always have. They WILL NOT stop until someone stops them. They will always be a threat to the Jews until they are disarmed. Israel does have the right to defend itself. Period. Quit messing with them and they'll quit demolishing your towns. Pretty simple, really.
And bv - you can't ALWAYS find good in everybody. Some people are just evil. Sad but true.
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