Ding, Dong, Zarqawi's Dead
As I'm sure you're all aware by now, Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi has been killed by U.S. forces in Iraq. And I think that's a step in the right direction towards winning this thing. Over the past couple of months, much of the top leadership of Al Qaida in Iraq has been destroyed. Without leaders, these FOLLOWERS (sheep) have a lot less organization and are less likely to mount coordinated attacks on innocent people. Zarqawi, in particular, is a lot less dangerous now that he's worm food. He's been trying to ascend to the top spot that Bin Laden holds for quite some time. And he was actually making progress in this effort up until he met his demise this week.
I applaud our troops for a job well done in ridding the world of yet another pile of human shit.
For those who are unfamiliar, Zarqawi is a terrorist prick from Jordan who traveled to Afghanistan in the late 80's and ended up becoming acquainted with Osama Bin Laden. In the 90's, he was imprisoned for trying to overthrow the government in Jordan. Upon his release, he began his terrorist career by trying to blow up a Radisson hotel in Jordan that was full of Americans and Jews (1999). He was actually convicted of this crime and sentenced to death in Jordan (in absentia). Of course, he's been on the move since then and committing increasingly horrific crimes. He's run terrorist training camps (funded by Bin Laden), killed a U.S. diplomat in Jordan (and been convicted in absentia and sentenced to death for it), bombed various hotels and government buildings, carried out kidnappings, murders, just a real menace to the world in general. He's one of the links between Saddam and Al Qaida as well. Saddam offered him sanctuary in Iraq and he even had training camps there. It's all spelled out in the book, "Plan of Attack" by Bob Woodward. (for those who are interested in facts, not rhetoric)
And let's not forget the beheadings. Zarqawi likes to cut people's heads off. He has done it to many people he's kidnapped, including Americans in Iraq. In fact, it is widely accepted that he is the one that personally beheaded Nicholas Berg on video in 2004. I'm sure you remember the still picture from my previous post. If you haven't seen the video, this American man (Nick Berg) had his head sawed off with a knife by Al Zarqawi and then it was held up like a trophy. One of the most disgusting things I've ever seen.
Which brings me to my rant (you didn't doubt I was going to rant, did you??)
Today, I read a story about the father of Nick Berg (Michael Berg) and his reaction to Zarqawi's death. Before I get to that, I've got a little quiz for you.
Who do you think Michael Berg holds responsible for his son's tragic death?
a) Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi and his terrorist buddies that kidnapped him and beheaded him on video (and took responsibility for it in public)
b) Islamic fundamentalism and hatred of Jews
c) The guy that works at 7-11
d) George W. Bush
If you answered "a", you're wrong. If you answered "b", you're at least half right in my opinion. If you answered "c", you're just mean. If you answered "d", you're CORRECT!
This Michael Berg (who is an anti-war lefty, running for congress by the way) actually came out and blamed the President of the United States of America for his son's death. He went on to say the following:
[His words are in quotes, MY comments are in RED]
"I have no sense of relief, just sadness that another human being had to die." [SADNESS?? Because a bloodthirsty killer is dead? Did you forget that he CUT YOUR SON'S HEAD OFF?!]
"I don't think that Zarqawi is himself responsible for the killings of hundreds of thousands of people in Iraq. I think George Bush is." [Really? Wow.]
"George Bush is the one that invaded this country, George Bush is the one that destabilized it so that Zarqawi could get in, so that Zarqawi had a need to get in, to defend his region of the country from American invaders." [Zarqawi was already there, dickhead and he's NOT a "defender of his region" by any means. Iraq is not his to defend. He's Jordanian. Jordan wants him dead because he's a TERRORIST. The reason he wants to "defend Iraq" is because that's where he operates his camps and terrorist activities. He kills innocent people, including Iraqis. Do some research.]
"Well, you know, I'm not saying Saddam Hussein was a good man, but he's no worse than George Bush. Saddam Hussein didn't pull the trigger, didn't commit the rapes. Neither did George Bush. But both men are responsible for them under their reigns of terror." [Yes, Saddam DID pull the trigger and he and his sons have all directly participated in torturing innocent people, including rapes and mutilation. Again - do some research. You expose your ignorance when you speak about things you don't know. I'd suggest starting with a book called, "Republic of Fear". I'm not even going to comment on the "reign of terror" comment. Moron.]
"Under Saddam Hussein, about 30,000 deaths a year. Under George Bush, about 60,000 deaths a year. I don't get it. Why is it better to have George Bush the king of Iraq rather than Saddam Hussein?" [We're in the middle of a WAR, retard. And are you saying that you're OK with 30,000 people being killed by Hussein every year? And are these people being killed today innocents or combatants? Does the fact that Saddam was killing them make YOUR feelings of guilt a little easier to bear?]
And two more gems from Mr. Berg's speech in Oklahoma:
"Peace is forgiveness. Forgiveness is peace. They both are love. And love, I've learned, is the only hope of healing this wounded world." [Everybody hold hands now, sing a peaceful song, smoke a joint, and all the world's problems will go away. Terrorists will just stop killing when they realize love is going to heal the world. This guy is delusional.]
"When airplanes struck the Twin Towers in New York City on Sept. 11, 2001, my high school students wanted to know why. I didn't tell them what I think most wanted to hear, that evil people from far away attacked us for no reason at all. Instead, I told them that communication broke down, or never was given a chance to exist, between two sides. And that when communication ceases, or fails to exist, violence begins." [So basically, he lied to these kids? Evil people from far away DID attack us for no reason, asshole! It wasn't a "communication problem". They've been VERY clear in communicating with us for decades. They want to KILL US. Figure it out.]
I just want to point out a few things here. Number one, Michael Berg is a guy that wants to look at the world through rose-colored glasses. Do some research on this guy and it will take you about two seconds to come to the same conclusion. He thinks that all we have to do is get bumper stickers that have peace signs on them and profess our wish for peace and the world will all get along together. He's the type that thinks he's a "better person" than you or I because he practices forgiveness, "loves peace", drives a hybrid and recycles. Bullshit, I say! If some filthy animal severs my son's head like a butcher for the world to see, I'm going to be PISSED. I don't think I'd rest until the perpetrator was found and punished (if not tortured and killed). Now, I don't claim to be any better than anyone else, and it may sound bad that I'd want revenge, but that's just the way it is. My family is what's important to me, not some political agenda.
Secondly, Nick Berg was an American civilian that went to Iraq of his own free will. He went there to secure work for his company, rebuilding communication towers. It was HIS CHOICE to go there to make money and to make Iraq a better place. Furthermore, he supported Bush and his decision to take care of the Iraq problem. I fail to see how Bush has anything to do with Berg's violent beheading. As a matter of fact, the U.S. Military advised Berg to LEAVE Iraq after he was picked up by Iraqi police. It was Berg who decided to stay. Unfortunately, he was later kidnapped and killed as a result. It's sad that Michael Berg can't see past his own politics. Nick Berg was a good guy. He made similar trips to Africa to help impoverished villages build with local materials.
Third, it sickens me to listen to people like Michael Berg speak. I've heard him give speeches about the war and his Congressional run and it's a bunch of nonsense. This guy is literally more concerned with "how many Iraqis have been killed" than he is with how many Americans (including HIS OWN SON) have been killed. He likes to blame everything on the U.S., which is crap. He follows the same ideology that Jay Bennish and Ward Churchill preach. We don't make these idiots bomb innocent people. We should not feel guilty for being successful in America when poor Jordanian (or Iraqi or Saudi, etc.) boys are not. That doesn't give them the right to kill innocent people to "strike back" at America and its policies. The notion is absolutely absurd. THEY are responsible for their terrorist behavior - nobody else. PERIOD.
I want him to preach his "peace is love" horseshit to the muslim extremists. I want to see how "understanding" they are to him. They'll gut him just like they did his son and they will laugh at him.
Don't get me wrong. I'm all for peace. But if all parties aren't playing by the same rules, it's not going to happen. If you've got irrational psychos, who are willing to kill all Jews and Americans (and themselves in the process), it's kind of difficult to achieve so-called peace. I live in reality and I know evil exists in the world. And evil must be dealt with, or else it will grow and spread. Anybody who has ever read a history book knows that peace simply does not exist without war. Sometimes, peace can only be achieved through force. But I'm a realist. I'm not a utopian dreamer like the elder Mr. Berg.
I don't know. Maybe I'M the one who's wrong here. Maybe if we just send a bouquet of flowers to these angry jihadists and tell them we love them, they'll all just stop killing people.
Hey T, quit cutting and pasting from Word into Blogger...that shit was extremely hard to read. You end up with a bunch of wingdings and shit. I'm also on my second cup of coffee going to get a third cup in a second, so it wouldn't be crazy if I was seeing things.
Anyway, I agree with you as usual. I'm a woman and sometimes a bleeding heart when I feel like being nice, but war is a part of life. Sorry, it just is. Humans have been at war with each other since the beginning of time. It's a reality that sucks, but it's reality.
What were the true intentions of the White House when we went to Iraq? I don't know and I really don't care. The President is the Commander and Chief and if he thought it was a good idea, then who am I to question that? I doubt it was his idea alone...I don't know if he's capable of making any decisions on his own, but that's another story for another day. I just have to trust that the man I voted into office is going to do the best job he is able to do with the information he is given.
I may be going off on crazy tangents, but I don't care. I'm just sick of these naysayer doomsday types that act like Bush is ruining the world. What the fuck is that? Are you really telling me that in 6 1/2 years Bush has single handedly ruined the world? Really? I would love to see what the US would look like if Kerry had won. He would have pulled our troops out and Iraq would be a breeding ground for terrorists and we'd be their number one target.
Do I think Bush is the best President ever? No. But, it takes a lot more energy to hate someone than it does to just get along with someone. People just need to get over themselves, put down their damned picket signs and get back to work if they really want to do something for this country. I'M SICK OF IT!
Have super weekend! Tan lines are a good thing!
Sorry about the wingdings. I had to write it in Word because Blogger was down for a while and I had to rant. I know, I'm retarded.
I agree with your agreement with me. :)
And you're right, we don't know what kind of information the government has. I assure you, they've got WAY MORE information than you or I (or the press) does. The press just thinks they know everything. They really don't have the clearance to know what the government does, and that's just the way it is. I can live with that.
All politicians suck. It would be significantly worse if Douchebag Kerry were elected by some God-awful chance though. Thank goodness that didn't happen though.
You're not the only person sick of the mudslinging and the muckraking. The voters are too, and that will show come election time.
"To secure peace is to prepare for war."
I heard some talk radio guy play Capt. Douchebag's interview where he said Bush enabled Zarqawi to kill people and blah blah blah. He's clearly spoonfed by the psycho left.
Maybe someone should give him Cindy Sheehan's number. I hear her husband divorced her.
And is it just me or does Berg look like Larry David from Curb Your Enthusiasm?
ed b. - Ha! Good idea on the Sheehan suggestion. They'd be a great couple. They can both live in the same fantasy world.
(And yes - he does look like Larry David.)
BV - I think I fixed the font issues. Hopefully, you can all read it now. Thanks for the heads-up.
Yes, it was much more readable. It's the apostrophes and quotation marks that blogger doesn't like when you copy and past from word or the internet for that matter. I've learned that lesson myself. It's makes squares and shit.
Thanks for the advice about my dad by the way...I know...I'm a spoiled brat, but thanks for not calling me that. Holler!
No problem.
And it's "holla". As the guy says on Dave Chapelle. Keep it real, VB.
Ashy Larry is my hero.
I got to thinking about the Berg/Sheehan match made in Satan's colon and decided to blog on it. Couldn't pass it up. :-P
Ashy Larry is more dusty than ashy, in my opinion. Either way, it's funny.
And yes...I think you're spot on with the "match made in Satan's colon" description. I'll have to take a peek at your post.
I'm white and I say "holler" as crackerish as I possibly can.
Cracker ass cracker...and I'm out!
Zarqawi gets to Paradise and is met by George Washington. George Washington slugs him in the face. Then John Marshall comes up and does the same....and then Robert E. Lee and Sam Houston and Henry Clay and George Mason and John Smith and Nataniel Bacon and Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson...and they all punch him in the face. Allah shows and up and Zarqawi ask him what gives. He thought he was supposed to get 72 virgins when he got to Paradise. Allah says: "You thought I said 72 virgins? I said 72 Virginians."
Thank you...I'll be here all week folks!
Wow. I pray to Allah that that post isn't serious. The blog reeks of satire/humor, but the reasoning behind the arguments lead me to believe that it may be *gulp* serious.
People call me a grammar nazi, and while I consider myself one sometimes, their post/blog make me want to grow the Adolf 'stache, it's put together so horribly.
Ed - Yeah..I'm not exactly sure myself about that particular blogger. It's scary and funny at the same time.
It's a guy that writes it.
That post was annoying enough to bring me to delete it. If you don't have at least a 2nd grade grasp of English grammar, this isn't the place for you. In addition, this isn't a forum to advertise nonsense.
Sorry, for those who have no idea what we're talking about. There was a post on the 15th from some retard trying to instigate (and drive traffic to his blog). It's gone now, so if you're confused...that's why.
It's like I can breathe again.
Wait wait wait...you won't let them advertise nonsense but you let me on here? A bit 2-faced don't you think? :-p
I hate trolls.
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