Gouging Americans for Profit

It has EVERYTHING to do with oil execs here in the USA. That fat, turkey-necked prick named Lee Raymond (CEO of Exxon Mobil) personally made $69.7 million dollars last year. That's more than $190,000.00 a day! How do you think he made that money? That's right, you and I gave it to him. This jowel-flapping son of a bitch is getting a retirement package worth over $400 MILLION dollars now that he's retiring from the tough grind at Exxon. FOUR HUNDRED...MILLION...DOLLARS. Unfuckingbelievable.
"Exxon is giving Lee Raymond one of the most generous retirement packages in history, nearly $400 million, including pension, stock options and other perks, such as a $1 million consulting deal, two years of home security, personal security, a car and driver, and use of a corporate jet for professional purposes."He'd better be glad they're paying for his security, because I'm sure there are many Americans that would love to get their hands on his greedy neck.
Keep in mind, this is the same company that just last year set a record for the LARGEST QUARTERLY PROFIT for ANY U.S. COMPANY...EVER. Wonder why they're so profitable?
Because we're stupid. You and I pay the equivalent to crude oil being $92/barrel. Crude hit an all time high yesterday at $72/barrel. So, why are we paying the cost for $92/barrel oil?
Because they can charge whatever they want and they know we'll pay it. What's our other choice? Oh, did I mention that the gas is being refined with oil that only costs like $63/barrel? Do you see the big margins here? Do you understand why old Fatneck Raymond is so rich? Do you understand why everyone in the oil business is rich? He's not the only one.
Anyway...go fill up your tanks. These guys are starving. They're hardly making ends meet. Poor guys. Lee can't even afford to fix that hare lip thing he's got going on.
Assholes. The whole bunch of them.