Saturday, August 12, 2006

Sickest Joke Ever?

Today, I was reading a terrible news story about a dead baby that was found in the back of a truck that a guy bought from someone this week. Awful, awful story. People really disgust me sometimes. I was reading some follow-up posts where people were commenting on this story, I came across a really sick joke. This person posted the joke in the middle of a bunch of serious comments, and when I read it, I busted up laughing. (I know...I'm going to hell.)

Nonetheless, here it is - for your enjoyment:

Q: How do you get 5 dead babies into a box?
A: With a blender

Q: How do you get them out?

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Nobel Peace Prize Winner: "Right now, I would love to kill George Bush."

That is seriously a direct quote from Betty Williams, a woman who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1976. If you want to read the entire article in context, click this link. For those who don't want to read about it, I'll post her comment again...
"Right now, I would love to kill George Bush." - Betty Williams, in Brisbane July 24, 2006
This is an absurd thing to say, for several reasons.

1) She is a Nobel Peace Prize winner, who preaches peace from her soapbox. Obviously, this is not a very peaceful statement to make (expressing your desire to murder the president of the United States).

2) She said this to a large group of SCHOOLCHILDREN while she was campaigning for children's rights in Australia. What does her murder fantasy have to do with the rights of young people? And how is this an appropriate thing to say in any forum?

3) By conducting herself in such a way, she exposed herself as a hypocrite.

She went on to say:

"I don't know how I ever got a Nobel Peace Prize, because when I see children die the anger in me is just beyond belief. It's our duty as human beings, whatever age we are, to become the protectors of human life."
(I guess President Bush isn't a human? His life doesn't fall into the category of human life that she advocates protection for? So, it's just SOME human life that she wants to protect? It's conditional. Maybe she should have specified, "only humans that agree with her political ideology".)

I wish she'd make up her mind. She expresses her anger when she sees children die. She says that it's our duty as human beings to protect human life. I agree with her. I too, get angry when I see children (or any innocent human being) die for no good reason.

Do you know who else agrees with her? That's right, Shrubby Dubya (Bush). One of the reasons we're in this "war on terror" is because we're trying to eradicate TERRORISTS that kill innocent people all day long. TERRORISTS indiscriminately kill men, women and children without so much as a second thought. Anybody remember the thousands of innocent people that were killed on 9/11, or the train bombings in Spain, or the bombings in London? How about the ones in Bali, India, Yemen, etc, etc, etc.? These people kill anybody, anywhere. Including CHILDREN. Yet, this woman wants to kill our president, rather than the TERRORISTS? Sounds like she's a bit confused. Maybe she should direct her anger toward the people that systematically do harm to innocent people.

She claims to be upset about the deaths of children in the war in the Middle East. I'd venture to say that more children have died in the suicide bombings than have died as a result of U.S. Military actions. Collateral damage is a reality of any war (unfortunately). Any reasonable person would understand that. What about all the Kurdish babies that were intentionally murdered by Saddam and his biological agents during his reign? What about all the mass graves in Iraq, full of Saddam's victims? HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of bodies. Do those deaths mean anything to her? I wonder what her proposition would be to rid the area of this killing. Leave these evildoers to do their worst? Nah...her priority is Bush. HE's the guy responsible for all the killing in the Middle East. Because this hasn't been going on for hundreds of years over there or anything. (sarcasm meter is pegged right now)

The point I'm trying to make here is that I'm sick and tired of everybody jumping on the Blame Bush Express. It's old already. Seriously. I actually read an article the other day that blamed BUSH for Zidane (the French soccer player) headbutting the Italian player in the World Cup. I shit you not.

Now don't get me wrong. I'm not defending him because of any party affiliation. I don't have much love or hate for the guy. I just know that he's our president, regardless. I'm saying that he's a human being. He is not the nefarious villain that some would like to paint him as. He's a man, who is trying to do the right thing in a truly chaotic world. In the face of much opposition, coming from people who SHOULD be helping the cause (for example, the U.N., Russia, China, the American Left, etc.)

He doesn't eat babies. He doesn't kill puppies for fun. He's not trying to upset your posh, Beverly Hills/Boulder/New York lifestyle. He may be rough around the edges, and cause us a little embarrassment when he's on camera. However, he IS doing what needs to be done in the Middle East. You can't reason with terrorists. They don't listen to logic. The only thing they understand is force. Period.

Here's some food for thought. The maximum number of terms a U.S. president can serve is 2. That's 8 years. Problems such as the ones in the Middle East aren't ones that pop up overnight. It's a stretch to blame these types of things on one person. It's downright silly. My question is, who are the Bush Haters going to blame for their woes after 2008? Their scapegoat will be gone.

Instead of blaming others, why don't they come up with a better way to do the job? If they did, maybe they'd win an election or two once in a while.

Monday, July 17, 2006

The Middle East Is Full Of Batshit-Crazy People

Seriously...WTF is going on in the Middle East? I mean, this Israeli-Lebanese thing is nothing new, but comethefuckon!! Enough already. Why can't these Arabs just leave the Jews alone?? It's 2006, for crying out loud. Get over your ancient discrepancies.

Here's the thing...Americans aren't perfect, but at least we make PROGRESS. A couple hundred years ago, we were still enslaving people for our own benefit. Over the years, we've worked together to better ourselves as a society. We learn and we grow. America today is much different than it was two hundred years ago. We try not to live in the past.

The Middle East, however, is still fighting wars from the past. They are no farther along than they were back then. They brainwash and instill hatred in their children from the time they're toddlers. They perpetuate the conflict. They're taught to hate from a young age and carry it on from generation to generation. I won't even get into the religious lunacy that they preach. Any religion that teaches it's followers to HATE others and KILL others is not a legitimate religion in my book.

By contrast, most civilized societies get over conflicts and move on. They try to work through differences, build new relationships and compromise. Just look at Japan and the U.S. Both countries hated each other 60 years ago. They bombed us, we nuked them and put them in internment camps here. Now look at us. Our economies are so closely connected that one can't do without the other now. We depend on their technology and they depend on our pop culture and karaoke. The prime minister of Japan is actually emulating Elvis Presley at news conferences for pete's sake!

If we can grow and learn, why can't they?? WTF is their problem? Well...I'm thinking maybe this picture I found on the internets can help explain some of it. I think the caption said something like, "why the Middle East is in such deep shit".

Friday, July 07, 2006

A Must For The Barbecue Season

These would be good for a barbecue with the uptight in-laws, or when you have the boss over. Perhaps a church cookout?

Either way, that's funny right thar. I don't care who you are.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy Birthday, America

“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands. One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

Those are probably words you haven't heard since grade school. People don't talk much about the pledge of allegiance these days (unless they're trying to keep our American kids from saying it at school).

On this date in 1776, the U.S.A. declared its independence from Britain.
I'm glad the founding fathers did it too. Most of the world has never seen freedom like we have in America. We established a democracy like no other, and it's what makes America the great country it is today.

Don't let anyone fool you into believing that America is a bad place. America is one of the only places in the world where people fight to get to. People float on inner tubes, in treacherous waters for just a CHANCE to live here. People hide in shipping containers, pay people thousands, risk their lives, etc. for the chance to enjoy the place we were so lucky to be born. America is one of the only places you'll see "poor people" that are fat.

We do great things for the rest of the world too. We don't keep it all for ourselves. We have troops all over the world, helping other nations. Much of Europe wouldn't be what it is today, without the help of the U.S. during and after the war. We send billions of dollars across the globe to aid other less fortunate countries. I don't need to sit here and preach though. Most reasonably educated people know full well that America is a good country and they know about the good things we do.

What I will say is this: Take the opportunity to be a proud American today. Don't get caught up in politics. Don't think about anything but the simple thing that keeps us here. Freedom. Be proud of the Red, White, and Blue. I know I am.

I do pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. It's my country. And it's a great place. It's not perfect, but it's the only place I want to be.

Have a safe and happy Independence Day everyone.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Ding, Dong, Zarqawi's Dead

As I'm sure you're all aware by now, Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi has been killed by U.S. forces in Iraq. And I think that's a step in the right direction towards winning this thing. Over the past couple of months, much of the top leadership of Al Qaida in Iraq has been destroyed. Without leaders, these FOLLOWERS (sheep) have a lot less organization and are less likely to mount coordinated attacks on innocent people. Zarqawi, in particular, is a lot less dangerous now that he's worm food. He's been trying to ascend to the top spot that Bin Laden holds for quite some time. And he was actually making progress in this effort up until he met his demise this week.

I applaud our troops for a job well done in ridding the world of yet another pile of human shit.

For those who are unfamiliar, Zarqawi is a terrorist prick from Jordan who traveled to Afghanistan in the late 80's and ended up becoming acquainted with Osama Bin Laden. In the 90's, he was imprisoned for trying to overthrow the government in Jordan. Upon his release, he began his terrorist career by trying to blow up a Radisson hotel in Jordan that was full of Americans and Jews (1999). He was actually convicted of this crime and sentenced to death in Jordan (in absentia). Of course, he's been on the move since then and committing increasingly horrific crimes. He's run terrorist training camps (funded by Bin Laden), killed a U.S. diplomat in Jordan (and been convicted in absentia and sentenced to death for it), bombed various hotels and government buildings, carried out kidnappings, murders, just a real menace to the world in general. He's one of the links between Saddam and Al Qaida as well. Saddam offered him sanctuary in Iraq and he even had training camps there. It's all spelled out in the book, "Plan of Attack" by Bob Woodward. (for those who are interested in facts, not rhetoric)

And let's not forget the beheadings. Zarqawi likes to cut people's heads off. He has done it to many people he's kidnapped, including Americans in Iraq. In fact, it is widely accepted that he is the one that personally beheaded Nicholas Berg on video in 2004. I'm sure you remember the still picture from my previous post. If you haven't seen the video, this American man (Nick Berg) had his head sawed off with a knife by Al Zarqawi and then it was held up like a trophy. One of the most disgusting things I've ever seen.

Which brings me to my rant (you didn't doubt I was going to rant, did you??)

Today, I read a story about the father of Nick Berg (Michael Berg) and his reaction to Zarqawi's death. Before I get to that, I've got a little quiz for you.

Who do you think Michael Berg holds responsible for his son's tragic death?

a) Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi and his terrorist buddies that kidnapped him and beheaded him on video (and took responsibility for it in public)
b) Islamic fundamentalism and hatred of Jews
c) The guy that works at 7-11
d) George W. Bush

If you answered "a", you're wrong. If you answered "b", you're at least half right in my opinion. If you answered "c", you're just mean. If you answered "d", you're CORRECT!

This Michael Berg (who is an anti-war lefty, running for congress by the way) actually came out and blamed the President of the United States of America for his son's death. He went on to say the following:

[His words are in quotes, MY comments are in RED]

"I have no sense of relief, just sadness that another human being had to die." [SADNESS?? Because a bloodthirsty killer is dead? Did you forget that he CUT YOUR SON'S HEAD OFF?!]

"I don't think that Zarqawi is himself responsible for the killings of hundreds of thousands of people in Iraq. I think George Bush is." [Really? Wow.]

"George Bush is the one that invaded this country, George Bush is the one that destabilized it so that Zarqawi could get in, so that Zarqawi had a need to get in, to defend his region of the country from American invaders." [Zarqawi was already there, dickhead and he's NOT a "defender of his region" by any means. Iraq is not his to defend. He's Jordanian. Jordan wants him dead because he's a TERRORIST. The reason he wants to "defend Iraq" is because that's where he operates his camps and terrorist activities. He kills innocent people, including Iraqis. Do some research.]

"Well, you know, I'm not saying Saddam Hussein was a good man, but he's no worse than George Bush. Saddam Hussein didn't pull the trigger, didn't commit the rapes. Neither did George Bush. But both men are responsible for them under their reigns of terror." [Yes, Saddam DID pull the trigger and he and his sons have all directly participated in torturing innocent people, including rapes and mutilation. Again - do some research. You expose your ignorance when you speak about things you don't know. I'd suggest starting with a book called, "Republic of Fear". I'm not even going to comment on the "reign of terror" comment. Moron.]

"Under Saddam Hussein, about 30,000 deaths a year. Under George Bush, about 60,000 deaths a year. I don't get it. Why is it better to have George Bush the king of Iraq rather than Saddam Hussein?" [We're in the middle of a WAR, retard. And are you saying that you're OK with 30,000 people being killed by Hussein every year? And are these people being killed today innocents or combatants? Does the fact that Saddam was killing them make YOUR feelings of guilt a little easier to bear?]

And two more gems from Mr. Berg's speech in Oklahoma:

"Peace is forgiveness. Forgiveness is peace. They both are love. And love, I've learned, is the only hope of healing this wounded world." [Everybody hold hands now, sing a peaceful song, smoke a joint, and all the world's problems will go away. Terrorists will just stop killing when they realize love is going to heal the world. This guy is delusional.]

"When airplanes struck the Twin Towers in New York City on Sept. 11, 2001, my high school students wanted to know why. I didn't tell them what I think most wanted to hear, that evil people from far away attacked us for no reason at all. Instead, I told them that communication broke down, or never was given a chance to exist, between two sides. And that when communication ceases, or fails to exist, violence begins." [So basically, he lied to these kids? Evil people from far away DID attack us for no reason, asshole! It wasn't a "communication problem". They've been VERY clear in communicating with us for decades. They want to KILL US. Figure it out.]

I just want to point out a few things here. Number one, Michael Berg is a guy that wants to look at the world through rose-colored glasses. Do some research on this guy and it will take you about two seconds to come to the same conclusion. He thinks that all we have to do is get bumper stickers that have peace signs on them and profess our wish for peace and the world will all get along together. He's the type that thinks he's a "better person" than you or I because he practices forgiveness, "loves peace", drives a hybrid and recycles. Bullshit, I say! If some filthy animal severs my son's head like a butcher for the world to see, I'm going to be PISSED. I don't think I'd rest until the perpetrator was found and punished (if not tortured and killed). Now, I don't claim to be any better than anyone else, and it may sound bad that I'd want revenge, but that's just the way it is. My family is what's important to me, not some political agenda.

Secondly, Nick Berg was an American civilian that went to Iraq of his own free will. He went there to secure work for his company, rebuilding communication towers. It was HIS CHOICE to go there to make money and to make Iraq a better place. Furthermore, he supported Bush and his decision to take care of the Iraq problem. I fail to see how Bush has anything to do with Berg's violent beheading. As a matter of fact, the U.S. Military advised Berg to LEAVE Iraq after he was picked up by Iraqi police. It was Berg who decided to stay. Unfortunately, he was later kidnapped and killed as a result. It's sad that Michael Berg can't see past his own politics. Nick Berg was a good guy. He made similar trips to Africa to help impoverished villages build with local materials.

Third, it sickens me to listen to people like Michael Berg speak. I've heard him give speeches about the war and his Congressional run and it's a bunch of nonsense. This guy is literally more concerned with "how many Iraqis have been killed" than he is with how many Americans (including HIS OWN SON) have been killed. He likes to blame everything on the U.S., which is crap. He follows the same ideology that Jay Bennish and Ward Churchill preach. We don't make these idiots bomb innocent people. We should not feel guilty for being successful in America when poor Jordanian (or Iraqi or Saudi, etc.) boys are not. That doesn't give them the right to kill innocent people to "strike back" at America and its policies. The notion is absolutely absurd. THEY are responsible for their terrorist behavior - nobody else. PERIOD.

I want him to preach his "peace is love" horseshit to the muslim extremists. I want to see how "understanding" they are to him. They'll gut him just like they did his son and they will laugh at him.

Don't get me wrong. I'm all for peace. But if all parties aren't playing by the same rules, it's not going to happen. If you've got irrational psychos, who are willing to kill all Jews and Americans (and themselves in the process), it's kind of difficult to achieve so-called peace. I live in reality and I know evil exists in the world. And evil must be dealt with, or else it will grow and spread. Anybody who has ever read a history book knows that peace simply does not exist without war. Sometimes, peace can only be achieved through force. But I'm a realist. I'm not a utopian dreamer like the elder Mr. Berg.
I don't know. Maybe I'M the one who's wrong here. Maybe if we just send a bouquet of flowers to these angry jihadists and tell them we love them, they'll all just stop killing people.

Monday, May 29, 2006

God Bless America - Happy Memorial Day

Just a quick line to ask everybody to remember the sacrifices of countless American soldiers throughout history. It's easy to lose sight of what they've really done for us, being that most of us are pretty far removed from any sort of military life.

With the media constantly bombarding us with negative images of the U.S. and our military, it's important to dig deeper and seek the truth. We need to get back to the days of patriotism in America. Return to the days where we as a country supported our brave men and women that put themselves in harms way for us ALL.

Pick up a history book. Re-acquaint yourselves with what it really means to be an American. Also, to remember just how bloody war USED to be. Be thankful for the advances of our modern military and their ability to greatly reduce U.S. casualties in times of conflict.

I'm reading a book about WWII right now, called Flags of Our Fathers. It's a really good book. It is written by the son of one of the flag raisers at Iwo Jima. It describes, in vivid detail, just some of the horrors that our soldiers endured to secure America's freedom. It chronicles the lives of the 6 men in that famous picture. It's pretty intense.

In just ONE battle at Iwo Jima, the U.S. lost in excess of 5,000 men in just ONE DAY. Compare that to our modest losses in the war we're in now. We've been in Iraq for over 3 years and we've lost in the neighborhood of 2,400 soldiers. We lost a total of 26,000 at Iwo Jima when all was said and done. Twenty six THOUSAND. By comparison, I think that's pretty remarkable.
Not only does this book talk about some of the battles, but it also talks about something even more important - patriotism. These courageous young men (some even as young as 15, who lied about their age to get in) selflessly put themselves in harms way for their country. They didn't back down. They wanted to be where they were. They had fire in their bellies, and had a sense of duty to fulfill. They didn't cower, they didn't complain. To them, serving was an honor.

I recommend the book, for sure. It's a pretty moving account of the events of that era.

As Americans, don't forget the sacrifices our soldiers have made for our freedom. We all enjoy a very privileged lifestyle because of the valor and bravery of many people who are no longer with us. My grandfather was one of those, awarded the Purple Heart during WWII. He was one of the lucky ones to make it back alive though. My father served, as well as many cousins, uncles, great uncles, etc. in all branches of the armed forces. I've got friends serving right now.

To them all, I say THANK YOU.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

"Granny, why are you scratching your crotch?"

I never thought I'd read a story like the one I just read. (click here for full story)

The headline was "STDs Running Rampant In Retirement Community".

Senior citizens at a retirement communtiy in Florida are getting freaky with a combination of Viagra and carelessness. They don't have to worry about getting pregnant (obviously) and they old dudes are all walking around with hard-ons, thanks to the miracle of modern medicine.

The result? Lots of STDs. Sounds strange to me to think about a bunch of old wrinkle bags passing the ass. I mean I know it happens, but I never really thought about it I guess. Read the story though. It's worth a laugh or two (which is my second favorite thing to do).

A gynecologist at The Villages community near Orlando, Fla., said she treats more cases of herpes and the human papilloma virus in the retirement community than she did in the city of Miami.

And next time you go visit granny, make sure you don't kiss her on the lips. You don't know whose cork she's been soaking. You don't want to have to tell your friends that you caught herpes from Grandma Esther. That slut.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Cosby for President

The more I hear Bill Cosby's name in the news, the more I think he should run for office. He tells it like it is. He's blunt and to the point, and speaks very clearly so he cannot be misunderstood. The man doesn't worry about political correctness. We need someone like that in government.

Anyone who knows me understands that I can't stand political correctness, and that I'm a blunt person. I think that's why I respect Cosby. Cosby stands for high moral values and accountability. He doesn't believe in excuses or using racism to justify poor choices.

I find it interesting to observe how other people react to Bill Cosby's speeches. In particular, I like to hear what other black people have to say. (Notice I didn't say "African-American".)

SIDE RANT) I don't believe in that term. It's too politically correct, and it doesn't make sense. There are many white people (and other races) on the continent of Africa. If a white guy from Africa moved to America, would you call him "African-American"? Probably not, even though he's more African-American than Ray-Ray from Detroit. If you can't call everybody from Africa (who now live in America) African-American, then the term is bogus and means nothing. You can't use it to denote color unless everyone from that continent is the same color. And besides, hyphenated names annoy me.

SIDE, SIDE RANT) If you get married, take your husband's last name for crying out loud. Making your kid grow up confused is just plain stupid. A kid's family (and name) is where they get their identity from. If mommy's last name is different from daddy's last name, it makes for a lot of unneccessary questions.

If you were born and raised in America, then you're AMERICAN. Not African-American, not Mexican-American, not Irish-American, not Italian-American. JUST American. Got it? Likewise, if your maiden name is Smith and you marry a man named Finkelstein, then your name is now Finkelstein. It's not Smith-Finkelstein. Ok? Are we all on the same page now?

Ok, good. Now back to my original subject. What was it again? Oh yeah, Bill Cosby. Great guy. He tells people like it is, no matter if they like it or not. Sometimes, the truth hurts. Sometimes, it sounds abrasive. You know what I say to that? TOO BAD. If what he says offends you, then maybe you need to reflect upon your life and reconsider the choices you've made.

If Cosby's on a stage saying that some black people can't speak proper English, and that offends you...maybe it's YOU that has the problem. If you speak like a normal person and not some idiot making up jibberish, then what he says shouldn't offend you in the least. If he's up there talking about guys that get several women pregnant out of wedlock, skips out on them and/or goes to prison, it shouldn't bother you either...UNLESS you are one of those deadbeats that aren't supporting their kids because you're an idiot. If that's the case, then I HOPE he offends you. You SHOULD be offended, because you are part of a big problem in America. That problem is people having kids with no intention of raising them properly. When that happens, the kid becomes everybody's problem. And that's why Bill Cosby is so vocal about these issues.

He doesn't believe in making up excuses for your behavior, simply because of the color of your skin. You can be a moral and responsible person no matter if your skin is black, purple, white, yellow, brown or polka dotted.

Unfortunately, some black people in the media actually get upset with Cosby when he speaks out in a public forum. They don't get mad at him for what he's saying. They get mad at him for saying it out in the open. Now, what kind of sense does that make? If it's the truth, then it's the truth. It needs to be out in the open.

Some of the things he's saying are:
“People marched and were hit in the face with rocks to get an education, and now we’ve got these knuckleheads walking around...the lower economic people are not holding up their end of the deal. These people are not parenting.” ...They are standing on the corner and they can’t speak English.”

"And these people are not parenting. They’re buying things for the kid. $500 sneakers, for what? They won’t buy or spend $250 on Hooked on Phonics." (clapping)

"Are you not paying attention, people with their hat on backwards, pants down around the crack. Isn’t that a sign of something, or are you waiting for Jesus to pull his pants up (laughter and clapping ). Isn’t it a sign of something when she’s got her dress all the way up to the crack…and got all kinds of needles and things going through her body. What part of Africa did this come from? (laughter). We are not Africans. Those people are not Africans, they don’t know a damned thing about Africa."

"These people are fighting hard to be ignorant. There’s no English being spoken, and they’re walking and they’re angry. Oh God, they’re angry and they have pistols and they shoot and they do stupid things"

"And then they stand there in an orange suit and you drop to your knees, “(crying sound) He didn’t do anything, he didn’t do anything.” Yes, he did do it. And you need to have an orange suit on too" (referring to parents)
Cosby recently told the graduates at Spelman College (a college for black women):
"You have to know that it is time for you all to take charge. You have to seriously see yourselves not as the old women where the men stood in front and you all stood behind, because the men, most of them are in prison."

"Our race depends upon you and your sisters graduating all across the United States to realize that what's left is you."
All Cosby is saying is that people should hold themselves to a higher standard. I wholeheartedly agree. And I don't think that applies to JUST one race or group. It applies to everybody.

The other reason I like Bill is because he brought us Fat Albert and Picture Pages. Gotta love a guy that's as genuinely cool as Bill is.

If you have time, read the entire transcript of Cosby's speech at the 50th anniversary of Brown vs. the Board of Education in D.C. (click here)

Friday, May 12, 2006

Disturbing, On So Many Levels

So, I'm reading the news today and I come across this story. It's a story about a girl in the UK that got pregnant at age 11. She started drinking at age 9, and got knocked up by a 15 year old during a drunken night out. She's about 8 months along and still smokes 20 cigarettes a day.

She said: "I can give up smoking at any time, but I don't find it affects my pregnancy."

Brilliant. (I think the baby would disagree with her assertion that it doesn't affect her pregnancy)

Her mom (who is still popping out babies herself) is proud of her. She sees nothing to be ashamed about. (Do they have trailer parks in the UK?)

There are SO many issues here, that I'm not even going to get into them. I'll let you make your own observations. I will say one thing though. The main issue here is the complete lack of parenting and family structure. Everything else stems from that.

I wish I had time to go into a rant about this, but I am short on time. Feel free to leave me your comments though, and I'll be sure to check in periodically.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Why You Should Never Kiss A Monkey

A friend of mine emailed me a picture today with the subject line: "Never kiss a monkey".

I tend to agree. Wholeheartedly.
Personally, I wouldn't even let the little bugger drink out of the same cup as me either. I'm just sayin.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

I'm Not Fat, I'm Big Boned

So, I'm browsing through today and I run across a picture of a VERY fat man. 1,212 pounds, in fact. In case you missed that...I said ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED TWELVE POUNDS. This guy is so fat that he makes Louie Anderson look like Calista Flockhart by comparison. (Clicky)

I've always wondered how a person gets that fat. I figure, once you see the scale hit...ohh...FIVE HUNDRED...perhaps you might want to start reconsidering your eating habits?

Whenever I bring this subject up, people always say "well you don't understand" or "it's not their fault" or "they're just big boned".


First of all, there's no such thing as "big boned" Has anybody ever seen a fat skeleton? Fat people have more soft tissue and FAT than skinny people. They don't have bigger BONES than skinny people. Jeebus, people! Use your brains once in a while.

Secondly, it IS their fault (most of the time). Most of the fatter people I've known have definitely contributed to their weight being excessive. I see them eat. I see WHAT they eat. I don't see them exercise. It doesn't take a genius to figure out the outcome. I can look around my office right now and see food on fat people's desks. Fat people don't eat in moderation. They eat to excess. They've always got to have that extra donut, the extra helping of gravy on their bacon, the extra butter on their deep-fried cheese chunks, the extra lard on their lard cakes, the super sized soda, etc. That is why they're fat.

It's a very simple math equation. If you consume more calories than you burn, you will gain weight. Conversely, if you take in less calories than you burn, you will lose weight. If you don't like how much you weigh, you should eat less and exercise more. The only person making you fat is YOU.

Obviously, there are exceptions to this. For example, a person with a thyroid problem or diabetes, or something like that. People whose bodies don't function normally in one way or another. That, I can understand. I cannot sympathize with people who shovel food into their faces 10 times a day though.

Ok, I'm done ranting for a minute.
Here's to you, Mister 12 Hundred Pound Guy. Keep surfing the internet from the comfort of your bed.

What a sad life. I hope he at least has some medical condition that is responsible for this. I'd hate for it to be attributed to nothing more than sheer laziness. Seriously, I hope he turns his life around.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Sopranos...why must you disappoint me this way?

I'm going to keep this one short and sweet. The Sopranos writers have lost it. This last season is crap. Not only were the first few episodes a complete waste of time, but now that it's picking up a little steam, it's got to turn into a sissy-fest?!

Since when does a mafia story revolve around a fat, gay guy who is trying to explore his sexuality? I fail to see how Vito hanging out in an antique shop, or in the lobby of a bed & breakfast having tea contributes to the storyline at all. And what's with this random town that he stumbled into? 90% of the guys in this town are gay, apparently. The fire fighters, the diner employees, the business patrons, etc. It's like bizarro world, if bizarro world were gay. Is nothing sacred anymore?

Add to this the fact that Tony is getting soft and going easy on everybody after his near-death experience, and you've got one big estrogen-filled princess party. It's like watching a daytime soap opera at this point. Feelings...mercy...tears...LAME.

If they keep this up, I'm going to write a letter asking them to move the show to the Lifetime channel.

Bring back the cool mafia show that I used to enjoy every Sunday!!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Gouging Americans for Profit

I just want to say that I think gas prices today are BULLSHIT. We're paying nearly $3 per gallon for what reason?? And before ANY of you leftys say anything about "the war in Iraq"...shut it. It has nothing to do with that.

It has EVERYTHING to do with oil execs here in the USA. That fat, turkey-necked prick named Lee Raymond (CEO of Exxon Mobil) personally made $69.7 million dollars last year. That's more than $190,000.00 a day! How do you think he made that money? That's right, you and I gave it to him. This jowel-flapping son of a bitch is getting a retirement package worth over $400 MILLION dollars now that he's retiring from the tough grind at Exxon. FOUR HUNDRED...MILLION...DOLLARS. Unfuckingbelievable.
"Exxon is giving Lee Raymond one of the most generous retirement packages in history, nearly $400 million, including pension, stock options and other perks, such as a $1 million consulting deal, two years of home security, personal security, a car and driver, and use of a corporate jet for professional purposes."
He'd better be glad they're paying for his security, because I'm sure there are many Americans that would love to get their hands on his greedy neck.

Keep in mind, this is the same company that just last year set a record for the LARGEST QUARTERLY PROFIT for ANY U.S. COMPANY...EVER. Wonder why they're so profitable?

Because we're stupid. You and I pay the equivalent to crude oil being $92/barrel. Crude hit an all time high yesterday at $72/barrel. So, why are we paying the cost for $92/barrel oil?

Because they can charge whatever they want and they know we'll pay it. What's our other choice? Oh, did I mention that the gas is being refined with oil that only costs like $63/barrel? Do you see the big margins here? Do you understand why old Fatneck Raymond is so rich? Do you understand why everyone in the oil business is rich? He's not the only one.

Anyway...go fill up your tanks. These guys are starving. They're hardly making ends meet. Poor guys. Lee can't even afford to fix that hare lip thing he's got going on.

Assholes. The whole bunch of them.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter

Just taking a minute to wish everyone a Happy Easter....


Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Fee, Fi, Fo, Figga...

Cynthia McKinney. Georgia Congresswoman. Crying racism. (sigh)

If you haven't heard the story yet, I'll give you a brief synopsis (or you can read a story about it here).

The Capital Police are responsible for ensuring the safety of the lawmakers at the capital (and the public, I suppose). Georgia rep Cynthia Mckinney tried to walk past security the other day and was stopped by Capital Police, because she didn't go through the metal detector and security check.

When the Capital Police reached out to grab her, she turned around and hit the officer. She HIT...a POLICE OFFICER. Where I come from, that's assault. And this is someone that MAKES LAWS for you and I in this country! (utterly ridiculous)

Now, Cynthia happens to be a black woman. But just because she's black, that doesn't give her the right to cry racism. And just because she's a congresswoman, that doesn't exempt her from treating law officers with respect. She should be subject to the same security checks that everyone else is. Although, I have heard that lawmakers have little pins that identify them as such, and make the security checks easier. She did NOT have one of these pins on that day, by the way. I personally think all lawmakers should have to go through metal detectors like everyone else anyway (even though they don't).

Regardless, I think it's detestable that this woman is blaming this incident on racism. As I've stated many times before, the racism argument is TIRED already. You can't blame every negative thing that happens in your life on racism. Take RESPONSIBILITY for your own actions and your own life already. Quit using the color of your skin as an excuse for your poor behavior (and the resulting consequences).

There's no excuse for assaulting a police officer. I don't care if you're a congresswoman or a bum on the street. If you make the conscious decision to do so, then you deserve whatever response you get at that point.

Secondly, I still have not yet heard this woman take responsibility for her role in this incident. That is neither admirable nor acceptable. She should be brought up on charges, no doubt. Just like anybody else would be in this situation. She should not be treated differently because of the job she holds.

ACCOUNTABILITY. I wish people would learn it. And I really wish people could look beyond the color of their own skin and quit using it as an excuse to act stupid. I couldn't care less if McKinney was a purple mutant hermaphrodite with 5 eyes and a tail. The reason why she is in the news right now is because she is a MORON with no class or common sense. The color of her skin and her gender are irrelevant. I wish someone would let her know.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Red, White and...Green??

Sorry amigos, try again.

I'm not sure how much you all are paying attention to the immigration reform protests around the U.S., but I'm personally growing a bit tired of it.

I keep seeing footage of streets FILLED with people protesting the United States' decision to re-evaluate our immigration and border policies. Millions of people in Arizona, Colorado, California and other states with a large hispanic population have taken to the streets to voice their opinion.

I have no problem with that. As a matter of fact, I think voicing your opinion is a good thing. Especially when it is done peacefully. I haven't heard of any violence during these demonstrations, by the way. That should be commended.

I personally think your voice should be heard at the voting booth though. That's the only place it's going to count. Of course, you must be a CITIZEN to vote. So therein lies the problem.

The thing that's gotten my goat this week though, is the fact that I keep seeing these protestors flying the Mexican flag. I've even read stories about American high schools in Texas (predominantly hispanic) flying the Mexican flag on the flagpole next to the U.S. and Texas flags.

Doesn't that kind of make the argument against the illegals even stronger? They show no allegiance to this country at all. Their allegiance is to Mexico. How dare you come here and insist on flying another country's flag? The whole idea of immigration is to become part of the society that you're entering into.

We've got many immigrants in the U.S. from many different countries. We don't fly Irish flags and British Flags and Pakistani flags at our schools if there is a large population of those ethnicities there. THIS IS AMERICA. We fly the AMERICAN FLAG. Have some respect for this country if you insist on coming here to enjoy our freedoms and lifestyle. I don't think it's fair for them to come here illegally, make more money than they've ever made before, send it home to their families, and then have the nerve to fly another country's flag. Immigration should include the idea of assimilation, not separatism. If you like your country's customs and flags so much, then maybe you should just stay there.

Conversely, if you want to immigrate here...just do it according to the rules. There's a process to follow. Do it legally. Learn our language. Learn our history. Learn our customs. And learn to love OUR flag. You can't have it both ways. Either you like it here and want to be one of us, or you don't. It's not fair to think that you're going to transform this country into another version of yours. You can't enjoy the benefits here and spit in the face of the U.S. every chance you get.

I would never move to another country and expect them to adapt to my American lifestyle and speak my language. I would make every effort to learn theirs and integrate myself into their world. To do otherwise would just be rude. I certainly would never insist on them flying the flag of my home country. I know that other countries would not tolerate that anyway (nor should they). We shouldn't either.

I have no problem with people coming here. They just need to do it correctly. This massive, undocumented influx is a huge problem. Hopefully, we can find a way to plug the gaps in our borders and then work on getting these illegals documented (and deported or jailed if they're criminals).

Obviously, you like our country so much that you jump fences, cross hot deserts and swim through rivers to get here. It's obviously a much better place than your country, or else everybody wouldn't want to come here so bad. Respect it like you should. Our flag is RED, WHITE and BLUE. Deal with it or get the hell out. Thank you.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Slave Drivers

I realized that I've been kind of lazy with my posting lately. I've been really busy at work (actually WORKING for once). There are a lot of changes going on at the office and lots of restructuring within my organization. So, the slave drivers have been keeping me busy (those bastards). I foresee this as being something that will continue for a while, so please bear with me. I will be trying to post when I get a break in my day.

Don't think I have run out of things to rant about, by any means. I'll be back!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Removed From the Gene Pool

Holy crap, you all have to read this. This article made me laugh for like 5 minutes when I read it this morning. I am never surprised by how dumb people really are. Normally, I wouldn't find humor in the peril of others...but this one might be a Darwin award in the makings. Maybe the gene pool is better off without these folks in it.

HYDERABAD (Reuters) - Forty people have died from drinking home-made alcohol in southern India over the past five days, including 17 attending the funeral of a man who was also poisoned by toxic brew, officials said on Wednesday.

Farmer D. Jaggaiah died on Saturday in the southern state of Andhra Pradesh after consuming moonshine that had been smuggled from neighbouring Orissa.

Ten people died and 16 were hospitalised after toasting Jaggaiah at his funeral in Ratta Kanna village, 730 km (450 miles) north-east of the state capital Hyderabad.

Seven more victims died in hospital on Tuesday, according to local official Y. Chaitanya Murali.

The mourners knew Jaggaiah had died from consuming a deadly brew but, following a custom of drinking toasts at funerals, they apparently assumed their drink was safe. It was not clear whether the same batch of alcohol was to blame for the deaths.

Officials said another 23 people died after drinking country liquor in border villages in Orissa over the past five days. While Andhra Pradesh had banned the production and consumption of so-called country liquor, it is a licensed product in Orissa and smuggling is rampant, officials say.

The drink sells for as little as eight rupees (18 cents) a bottle, one-third of the price of commercial liquor.

Toxic varieties are made from regular spirits, to which bootleggers add a cocktail of ingredients that could include vegetables, battery acid and pieces of old rubber tyre. According to common lore, such ingredients can make the brew more intoxicating.

The deadly mix is then boiled and distilled, and kills hundreds of poor Indians every year.

BATTERY ACID??? RUBBER TIRES?? Jeebus, mannnn. Life must be REALLY bad in India for them to want to get drunk that bad. Sheeesh! On the other hand...$0.18/bottle? Hmm...that DOES sound tempting.

My Next Book Purchase

Last night, I was watching The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. He had a guest on there named Georges Sada. Mr. Sada was one of the top Generals in the Iraqi Air Force. In fact, he was the number two guy in the Iraqi Air force. He served under Saddam Hussein since he came to power more than two decades ago.

Mr. Sada has first hand knowledge of Iraq's WMD's and has written a book about it. As a pilot, he has flown WMD's in and out of Iraq himself, at the command of Hussein. He is not a particular fan of Hussein, but had to endure his reign for many many years. He knows pilots who personally flew WMD's (and related materials) out of Iraq and into Syria before the war started in 2003. He has intimate knowledge of Hussein's deception and intent to mislead the international community in regard to the banned weapons.

Apparently, they used commercial passenger planes to avoid scrutiny. The seats were taken out and the contraband was carried across the border.

(an excerpt from an article published by the New York Sun in January of this year:)

The pilots told Mr. Sada that two Iraqi Airways Boeings were converted to cargo planes by removing the seats, Mr. Sada said. Then Special Republican Guard brigades loaded materials onto the planes, he said, including "yellow barrels with skull and crossbones on each barrel." The pilots said there was also a ground convoy of trucks.

The flights - 56 in total, Mr. Sada said - attracted little notice because they were thought to be civilian flights providing relief from Iraq to Syria, which had suffered a flood after a dam collapse in June of 2002.

That article gives a little bit of insight into the issue. I want to read the entire book though. It sounds very interesting.

Anyone who watches Jon Stewart knows how critical he is of the Bush administration. He constantly criticizes this war effort and uses sarcasm to make it look like we had no business taking Saddam out (he does it in a very humorous way, I might add).

However, after hearing first hand from a very high level Iraqi General that the U.S. was correct in their assertion about WMD's, Stewart notably did not seem too impressed with the revelation. I'd say that Mr. Sada's comments were certainly enlightening, to say the least. He also glossed over the part where Mr. Sada made it very clear that he is thankful for the U.S. involvement in liberating his country from a tyrant. Frankly, I'm surprised that Stewart put this guy on his show, knowing that he was going to say complimentary things about this war and the U.S. I'm glad he did though. Stewart's audience needs a dose of reality. And who better to give it to them than an Iraqi who was involved from the inside?

Anyway, Kudos to Jon Stewart for giving the General airtime to tell his story. And I am going to buy this book to read the full story. I'll let you all know how it is. Read the article that I link to above in the meantime.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Go out, have fun, and drink whatever green beverage you drink on this day. Dress up like this drunk idiot, if you feel inclined to do so. And don't forget the corned beef.

What the hell is corned beef, anyway? Exactly how does one corn beef? When did corn become a verb? Can you corn other meats? Corned chicken, perhaps? Corned pork?


Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Vile Parents Breed Vile Offspring

Okay, here's one for ya.

A guy makes some Anaheim gang members mad. They kidnap the guy's 23 year old girlfriend. The seven gang members and 3 female associates proceed to gang rape this poor girl (to "teach her boyfriend a lesson") over a 7 hour period of time. The Anaheim police chief called it "one of the worst rapes I've seen in my 35 years of experience". Forced oral copulation, forcibly using objects, forcible rape, and false imprisonment were among some of the charges.

Here's the kicker. One of the rapists (18 year old Martin Carlos Delgado) even had his mom there to watch. 38 year old Connie Herrera Retana was there the whole time, encouraging her son to carry out this awful crime. Nothing makes a gang rape more fun than having your mom looking over your shoulder in approval!

You'll have to read the story (link provided above) for all the details.

I'd like to say I'm shocked that a parent could witness something like this and actually participate. But I'm not shocked. I'm sadly aware that this world is full of sick people like this. I'm assuming that this wasn't the traditional family unit that I grew up with. I notice that the mom has a different last name than the boy, and I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that the dad probably doesn't have much to do with this kid. This mother obviously has no regard for her child, or herself for that matter. She failed miserably in her role as a mother. Actually, I think I'll refer to her as a "breeder" rather than a mother. I can't see any behavior displayed that would even loosely be considered "mother-like".

It sickens me that people like this breed and pollute the rest of the world with their shitty genes. Look at the kind of legacy her and her child are leaving for the world. Vile people breed vile offspring.

I wish people would have to take some sort of test before they were allowed to have babies. Background check maybe? Perhaps a simple intelligence test? Maybe one of the questions could be:
- If your son wants to gang rape an innocent woman, do you:
A) Call the police
B) Grab your dumbass kid by the ear and enroll him in boot camp
C) Ignore him, and continue having unprotected sex with random men or
D) Cheer him on, encourage it, and watch the crime as it happens

People disgust me. That is all.

Criminals Are Idiots

When you read this story, it will become painfully obvious why some people end up being criminals. I think it's simply because they're just too damned stupid to do anything else (and this one is so stupid he even fails at being a thug). It's no wonder why they're in jail or on their way there. I just wish our wussy criminal justice system could do more to keep them there.

The short story is that this idiot (Jerome Nez) got arrested for carjacking. He was released because the witness/victim refused to testify. Within minutes of him being released on those charges, he carjacks another person's Jeep at a gas station across the street from the jail.

It gets better. There's a 4 year old child in the car at the time. And if that's not enough, the parents of the 4 year old child are a Sheriff's deputy and a bail bondsman (does that seem like a conflict of interests, or is it just me?). Anyway, they end up shooting at the guy after the 4 year old jumps out and the guy ends up crashing. He's subsequently arrested and put back in the slammer.

I'm not sure they were justified in shooting, as this was a crime against property and there was no lethal threat once he was driving away. But that will be up to the investigators to decide.

My question is this: HOW STUPID DO YOU HAVE TO BE??? What makes a person walk out of a jail and commit another crime within minutes of being released?

THAT should tell you how lax and easy our jails are. I've said it before. Our jails and prisons are a joke and criminals know it. It's obviously not that bad of a punishment if a guy has that little fear of getting thrown back in there. If our jails were so bad, they would do everything they could to stay out of there. As it is now, criminals laugh at the system. They know that they won't be kept inside because of legal loopholes, early release, etc. And even if they don't get released, it's not that bad in there anyway.

We've got whiny, crybaby activists in the U.S. who think our system is so "cruel". I disagree. I think our jails and prisons need to be far worse and drastically less accommodating than they are. I guarantee you, a thief in the Middle East would not get out of jail and go right across the street and commit another crime. You want to know why? Because the authorities would have cut their hands off or killed them!

I'm not saying we need to be barbaric or start mutilating people like they do over there, but we definitely need to get away from pampering our prisoners. It's PUNISHMENT. They shouldn't get TV, weights, vocational training, etc like they do now. They should be locked up in a cold cell and be given the minimum sustenance needed to survive. Why give them more, so they can make themselves stronger (and a threat to the other prisoners)? When they get out, they should be frail and weak so they will have a harder time victimizing others.

My other idea is that we make prisoners work hard labor. Have them on a chain gang or something. Use their labor to generate revenue for the state for all I care. Just punish them somehow.

At the very least, we need to make it a little more uncomfortable for them. And maybe it will serve as more of a deterrent, so idiots like Jerome Nez won't be so quick to get out and re-offend.

Monday, March 13, 2006

"Woke up this mornin' myself a gun..."

After an excruciatingly long delay, the Sopranos are back! Oh how I've missed it. Hearing that song in the beginning is a great sound.

It's been so damn long that I've forgotten what the heck is going on in the show though. That pisses me off when they take so long between seasons. Should there really be YEARS between seasons of a show?? Those bastards.

I'm thinking there will be some crazy stuff happening on this season, simply because it's supposed to be the last. I'd say the first episode last night was a good start. If that's any indication of how the season is going to be, I'd say it should be pretty good. We shall see.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

My Prediction: There Will Be No Riots

A small college newspaper in Saskatchewan (The Sheaf) recently published a cartoon depicting Jesus giving a pig a b.j. You may or may not have heard about it, but I've got several comments about this.

(Click to enlarge)

1. Why isn't this a big news story? When the cartoon depicting Mohammed with a bomb on his head came out, the WORLD was outraged. Muslim fanatics rioted. People died. Embassies were burned down. Apologists made excuses and tried to pacify the Muslims. Etc, etc, etc. (see: previous rant)

2. I'm glad this isn't a big news story. That's the way it should be. Who cares if some jackass wants to publish an offensive cartoon? I think it's trash and that it's vastly more offensive than the Mohammed cartoon, but I don't have to look at it, so who cares? Why give them the attention? If the news reported every offensive gesture, or inflammatory statement, the daily newspaper would be 6 inches thick. We already know that there are hateful idiots all over the world. This isn't news.

3. I also take notice of the fact that offended Christians are NOT rioting and killing people in the streets. See the difference, you crazy Muslim fanatic freaks?? You CAN be offended and not resort to violence! Imagine that!

4. The Sheaf chose not to publish the Mohammed cartoons "out of respect for Islam", but they publish crap like this Jesus cartoon? Does that mean that they do respect Islam, but they don't respect Christianity? Or is it that they're just scared of Muslims because of the violent, bloodthirsty lunatic factor? (i.e., TERRORISM)

Who knows? Pay attention to how this one unfolds though. I'm curious to see what happens (if anything). I do predict that there will be NO rioting and killing in the streets by Christians.


Monday, March 06, 2006

Attention: Apologists (Warning - graphic content)

I'm sorry to post such graphic links here, but I think all protestors against the U.S. and other assorted apologists should be forced to watch these videos. I challenge anybody who watches these video clips to justify these savage people's actions to me. These are the kinds of people we're fighting in this war on terror. These are the kinds of people that CU professor Ward Churchill and Overland High School teacher Jay Bennish make excuses for.

I'm going to warn you again that these are pretty graphic, but I think it's necessary to see them because it's the only way you'll know the extent of the hate these people exhibit. This is the only way you'll know how much we need to win this fight against these radical savages who wish to do all non-Muslims harm. Be sure to have your sound turned on so you can hear what it sounds like. This kind of stuff cannot be sugar coated and filtered. It's important to understand the brutality of it all. This happens all the time over there. It is nothing new. (these are from 2004) We can't lose sight of the horrific actions of the group we're fighting. THESE are the bad guys - NOT the U.S.A.

VIDEO: Eugene Armstrong - American kidnapped in Baghdad by Al Qaida

VIDEO: Shosei Koda - A Japanese drifter kidnapped in Iraq by Al Qaida

Do a Google search on their names if you want to read their stories. There are plenty more of these on the internet, if one really wanted to see more. This is a common occurence in their world, there are many that are not captured on film for us to see. I frankly can't watch much of this, as it is one of the most appalling things I've ever seen. These are human beings. Living, breathing human beings. Someone's brother, son, dad or uncle. I post these with all due respect to the families of these people. My only intent is to offer some perspective for those who bash the U.S.A. for going after these terrorists/insurgents/shitbags.

Every one of us should be supporting our brave soldiers and saying a prayer for them, for sure (as well as the families of these civilians).

Cindy Sheehan Is So Hot

She just got arrested again for laying across the steps of the U.N. Mission to the United Nations and refusing to leave. She was arrested for criminal trespass and resisting arrest. Way to go, Cindy. You're so hot.

Apparently, she was invited in to discuss her issues and refused. She chose to lay down like a 2 year old and throw a tantrum instead. Go figure.

Richard Grenell, the spokesman for the U.S. Mission, said in response to Sheehan's arrest: "We invited her in to discuss her concerns with a U.S. Mission employee. She chose not to come in but to lay down in front of the building and block the entrance. It was clearly designed to be a media stunt, not aimed at rational discussion," Grenell said. (from

"We were absolutely willing to meet with them," said Richard Grenell, a spokesperson for the U.S. Mission. "When the group showed up, we told them that an individual or small group of individuals could come up. . . . I came down and invited them in. But they weren't interested in coming in and having a rational discussion. They wanted a media event downstairs for the cameras." (from the Village Voice)

She's becoming quite the criminal these days. I bet she's actually proud of her arrest record. Too bad they're not felonies. That would be sweet. If nothing else, if she got locked up, we wouldn't have to see photographic representations of her anymore. Damn, she's nasty.

I always notice that she's usually smirking the entire time she's being arrested too. Until the news cameras start rolling. Then, she conjures up some tears to make people think she's a "grieving mother" instead of the radical political jagoff/attention whore that she really is.

Allah Wants You To Run Over Innocent Students With Your Car

By now, I'm sure you've all heard about the moron that ran down 9 people at the University Of North Carolina this past Friday with his SUV (follow-up story).

He told investigators that he did it to "avenge the deaths of Muslims around the world". At his hearing today, he told the court that he was "thankful for the opportunity to spread the will of Allah".

So let me see if I understand this correctly. Allah wants nuts like this to arbitrarily run over innocent human beings? That is his "will"? What a cool religion. I can see why so many people across the globe subscribe to Allah's teachings. You get the freedom to kill random people, and you do so under the name of religion. In addition, if I (as a Muslim) am killed in the process, I get 72 virgins in heaven? What a sweet deal! All praise be to Allah!

For one thing, how is this idiot "avenging the deaths of Muslims" by trying to kill college students? I'm sure these people that were hurt last Friday had nothing to do with killing any Muslims. I'm just making an assumption here though. Furthermore, most college kids these days are more sympathetic to batshit-crazy Muslims like this guy than they are to our own country. So it really makes no sense at all to attack them.

Speaking of being sympathetic to these radical Muslims...when are Americans going to wake up and understand that this is how they view us (as targets)? I say US because they don't differentiate between liberals and conservatives, supporters and opposers when they're targeting Americans.

You can protest all you want. You can demonize the U.S.A. all you want. You can send flowers to Muslims all over the world if you'd really like to. It won't change a thing. They will cut your head off, blow you up, run over you at the first chance they get. You can explain to them how much you love them and how you love peace, and how much you hate the free country in which you live. They'll STILL murder you without blinking an eye. You can't reason with the unreasonable.

(by the way, look at the smirk on this bastard's face in the picture getting into the car [above]. What a guy, huh? It's SO funny when you run over people in a courtyard, isn't it?)

Wise up, people. Show some solidarity with your American people for once. Quit trying to be politically correct and sympathizing with every fringe group in the world. The world is not ever going to be the utopia that you think it should be. There are people out there that wish to kill us all (and yes, that includes YOU). That's just a fact of life. It's unfortunate, but it's just the way it is.

Maybe if we all stuck together as Americans, we would have an easier time beating these evildoers. It sure beats fighting amongst ourselves and weakening our great nation for partisan political reasons.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

People Will Buy Anything

I've got two words for you. Truck Nutz.

Someone came up with the idea to sell balls for your truck. I guess the idea is to hang them off of your towing hitch. Is this cool? Am I missing something? Do we want to distinguish our male trucks from our female trucks? If so...why?

Maybe I'll come up with something for the female trucks out there. Truck Snatch? Truck Beaver? Truck Tits? I could be on to something here. If people are stupid enough to buy Truck Nutz, I don't see why they wouldn't buy Truck Tits.

I don't know why people feel the need to decorate their cars in the first place. Bumper stickers, silly heads on your antenna, Calvin and Hobbes peeing on things, stickers of the Virgin Mary and/or your name (or the Mexican city you're from) in old English calligraphy on your back window, Tweety Bird, Taz, etc. I really don't need to know your political affiliation, where your kid "excels at school", that your brother is a transexual, or that you're a Catholic named "Gallegos" from Chihuahua. I figured that last one out on my own. Maybe it was the fact that you're driving a 1982 Honda with bubbled window tint, no rearview mirrors, a trunk lid that's duct taped closed, with 4 doors from 4 different cars (all different colors), dragging your muffler, carrying 6 passengers, sporting the perpetual temp tag in the window, all while driving 45mph in the fast lane during rush hour. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I kind of just assume you're not from 'round these parts when I see that.

Anyway, I'm getting off topic here. All I wanted to say was that I'm never amazed at the amount of useless crap Americans buy. Which brings me full circle back to the Truck Nutz.

Maybe I'm just annoyed that I didn't think of it first. Apparently, they're selling. Which means that someone's making money off of the idiots that buy them. Who would have thought?

Monday, February 27, 2006


I hate spiders.

I was reading an article about spiders today, and saw many disturbing images (some of which I've included here for your enjoyment).

Not only do I hate spiders in person, but just looking at spiders on the internet creeps me out. I get physically uncomfortable when I see them, especially if they're moving. I don't know what it is, but they freak me the hell out. The way they move. The way they look, with their creepy little eyes. Their skinny, jointed legs with no feet. Their fangs. Their bulbous abdomens. Their webs. Etc., etc., etc. I know they can't really hurt me (most of them), but that's of little consolation to me. The heebiejeebies overcome my brain's logic.

Other insects don't bother me. It's just the arachnids. I'm cool with everything else too. Snakes, alligators, lizards, lions, bears, pterodactyls, dragons...they don't bother me in the least. It's just these little f-ing eight legged bastards that bother me. Damn you, spiders. Damn you all, for making me recoil and cringe like a homeless person being offered a job application.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Realtors - kooky, or vain?

I saw a business card for a realtor yesterday, and I just got to thinking. Why do realtors always have pictures on their business cards (and signs and everything else)?

Are realtors taught to do this in realtor school? Do they think their goofy headshot will help them get an edge over the less attractive realtors in the area? Is this neccesary? Why don't other professionals put their pictures on their business cards?

I'd love to see a plumber or a computer repair guy with his picture on his business card. (not really) Actually, I think the only time a picture on a business card would come in handy is if you're a stripper or something, where your appearance matters. That way you don't have to guess, "was Savannah the blonde or the brunette?". You could just look at her business card and know right away.

All I'm saying is that the stupid headshot is not necessary to have on your business card. I don't see what purpose it serves. Here are some examples of what I'm talking about.

Ed, you look like a tool. Bruce, I don't think you need 4 seperate telephone numbers to reach you. You're not as important as you think. A land line and a cell phone would suffice. You're not a heart surgeon. I'm sure if someone can't reach you by calling two numbers (tops), the world will not end. That crucial showing will have to wait until you decide to answer your phone, buddy. And I don't even know what's up with the back-to-back tag team at the top of this post.

Anyway...I think I'm done ranting. For now.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Confucius Say

Confucius say:

Man who walk through airport turnstile sideways going to Bangkok


Much to my dismay, the State of California halted the execution of Michael Morales today.

SAN QUENTIN — Capping a dramatic legal battle that raised questions of medical ethics and the future of lethal injection, California prison officials late Tuesday called off Michael Morales' execution, saying they were unable to comply with a judge's conditions for putting the convicted rapist-murderer to death.

The state's decision means that the execution will be delayed at the very least until early May — and more likely for many months — while the federal court in San Jose conducts a formal evidentiary hearing on the constitutionality of the state's execution procedures.

The Morales furor began a week ago when U.S. District Judge Jeremy Fogel declared that California's three-stage drug cocktail of a sedative, paralytic drug and heart-stopping chemical — the same protocol used in 37 of the 38 states with lethal injection — could mask, rather than eliminate, an inmate's pain during execution.

Fogel said the state would have to modify its execution procedure or he would hold a full hearing on the process in May.

To address his concern, prison officials elected to go forward just after midnight Monday with two doctors on hand to ensure that the sedative would be sufficient to deaden the pain of the heart-stopping drug. Just before the execution, however, the two anesthesiologists balked, saying the procedures forced them into the role of executioner, in violation of their medical ethics.

Fogel then said officials could go forward later in the day with a lethal dose of the sedative alone — administered by a licensed medical professional stationed within the execution chamber rather than by the usual "unseen hand" delivering the fatal drugs from another room.

But just two hours before the new, 7:30 p.m. time for the execution, a deputy attorney general told court officials that it had been called off.

San Quentin spokesman Crittendon said the state "was not able to find any medical professionals willing to inject medication intravenously, ending the life of a human being."

So I ask you, why make this stand NOW? Why on the day of the execution? I understand their wanting to possibly consider other methods, but why put the victim's family through this? Why back out on this man's punishment? Why should he get a free pass when he is responsible for the suffering of an innocent human being? Our penal system is a joke as it is. This just makes a bigger mockery of it. Loopholes and legal trickery galore. It's all a big game and the criminals/prisoners know it.

There is no way to ensure that a prisoner won't feel some pain when he is executed. Period. Frankly, I'd rather they go back to public hangings or firing squads. Perhaps we could throw them into a pit of hungry tigers. I WANT them to feel pain. I'm sure the ACLU would have a problem with that though. I don't know how much more we can do for these criminals. I really don't. Other countries probably laugh at us for the way we baby them. They probably marvel at the "rights" that our convicted rapists, serial killers, child molesters, etc. have.

Screw their "rights" not to feel pain for a brief minute during their euthanization. What about the rights of an innocent 17 year old girl? What about HER right not to be violently bludgeoned to death with a hammer? What about HER rights not to be raped while she is unconscious and near death? What about HER rights not to be stabbed 4 times in the chest? Those are the rights that I'm a little more concerned with.

I'm very sorry for the family of Terri Winchell. They've been through a lot, and it looks as though it's going to be dragged out for a little while longer until they get the (relative) justice that they are looking for.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Aww, we wouldn't want him to suffer or anything...

Here we go again. I feel like this is a recurring theme on my site. You may have briefly heard about this in the papers, but I'm going to shed a little more light on it for you all.

The State of California was scheduled to execute another savage murderer today, but there has been a delay. Michael Angelo Morales was supposed to have his death sentence (lethal injection) carried out at 12:01am today, but the anesthesiologists pulled out at the last minute. They had concerns that the convicted rapist and murderer MIGHT feel pain when the lethal injection was administered. My thought is, WHO CARES if HE feels pain? He SHOULD feel pain. He brutally beat an innocent 17 year old girl (Terri Winchell) and had sex with her nearly dead body, before finally killing her. I couldn't care less if he felt pain. As far as I'm concerned, he's had 25 YEARS of pain-free living on the taxpayer's dime as it is. He killed her in 1981 and has been on death row ever since. I think these cases need to be expedited, but I'm not going to get into that right now.

Now, if they don't carry out this execution today, the death warrant will expire. What that means is that he will essentially get a reprieve. The case would have to go before a judge to determine if he can get back on death row. It sounds like the state is going to follow through though (thank goodness). They are going to forego the anesthesiologists and just o.d. him with a lethal dose of barbituates. I'm not sure if the anesthesiologists are just trying to be activists or possibly thwart the execution altogether, but I think they're going to fail. The guy admitted to the killing, for cripe's sake! Why do people continue to sympathize with these despicable murderers? As I've said before, I think shitstains like this forfeit their right to life and sympathy when they mutilate and kill an innocent human being. (if you feel like reading my rant on that again, see this link)

Anyway...I don't have time to get into that again right now. What I want to do is present you all with the facts of the case that the media might not give you. They usually paint it in a way that leaves room for sympathy with the convict. I think that if you read the case facts, you'll have a different perspective on it. All possibility of feeling anything but disgust for this animal will be removed after reading it, I promise you. Below are the facts of the case from the California Dept. Of Corrections website:

Offense Date: 01/08/1981
Court Action: Affirmed
Court Date: 04/06/1989
Case #: CR17960

Victim: Terri Lynn Winchell, 17 (female)
Co-Defendant: Ricky Ortega

Summary: During early 1980, Ricky Ortega, 19, and Randy Blythe, 17, were homosexual lovers. Blythe met Terri Lynn Winchell, 17, in 1980 and became her heterosexual lover. Winchell did not know about the homosexual relationship between Blythe and Ortega, but Ortega knew about the relationship between Blythe and Winchell. Ortega became upset about the relationship.

Ortega and Blythe had a stormy relationship characterized by Ortega’s threatening reactions to Blythe’s attempts to end it. He was also openly hostile to Winchell. He was overheard threatening to kill himself or Blythe.

In late 1980, Ortega told Glenda Chavez that he was angry at Winchell for accusing him of being a homosexual and for her calling him “gay.” Ortega and his cousin, Michael Angelo Morales, 21, plotted to murder her as “pay back” for her remarks.

In the weeks before the murder, Ortega set up a ruse to trick Winchell into believing that he wanted to make amends and become her friend. In the meantime, Morales “practiced” how he was going to strangle Winchell and on the day of the murder told his girlfriend, Racquel Cardenas, how he was going to do Ortega a favor and strangle and “hurt” someone.

On January 8, 1981, Ortega called Morales and told him he was driving Winchell to Morales’ apartment. Ortega lured Winchell into accompanying him and Morales in Ortega’s car to a remote area near Lodi, California. There, Morales attacked Winchell from behind and tried to strangle her with his belt. Winchell struggled and the belt broke in two. Morales then took out a hammer and repeatedly hit her in the head with it. She screamed for Ortega to help and tried to fight off the attack, ripping her own hair out of her scalp in the struggle. Morales beat Winchell into unconsciousness, crushing her skull in several places and leaving 23 identifiable wounds in her skull.

Morales took Winchell from the car and told Ortega to leave and return later. Ortega left. Morales dragged Winchell face-down across the road and into a vineyard. Morales completed an act of sexual intercourse with her unconscious body. He started to leave, but went back and stabbed her four times in the chest to assure her death. Winchell died from both the head and chest wounds. Her body was left in the vineyard naked from the waist down with her sweater and bra pulled up over her breasts.

Within two days, Morales was arrested at his residence. The police found Morales’ broken belt with Winchell’s blood on it hidden under a bedroom mattress. The police found three knives and the hammer hidden in the refrigerator vegetable crisper. The hammer had traces of Winchell’s blood on it. The police also found blood-stained floor mats from Ortega’s car in the trash. Winchell’s purse and credit card were also in the house. Ortega’s blood-spattered car was impounded. Morales had used $11 from Winchell’s purse to buy beer, wine, and cigarettes on the night of the murder.

Now, please tell me why anyone should feel sympathy for this Morales guy. He is a piece of shit and I sincerely hope that he suffers for what he's done.

That poor girl didn't deserve to die that way. She was just starting her life and was full of hope. She was a straight-A student who had sung in a church choir, played classical piano and was working part-time at a local restaurant to raise money for college. What a very unfortunate turn of events for her, at the hands of these degenerates. (If you want to read more about her life, this article talks a little bit about it.)