That is seriously a direct quote from Betty Williams, a woman who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1976. If you want to read the entire article in context, click
this link. For those who don't want to read about it, I'll post her comment again...
"Right now, I would love to kill George Bush." - Betty Williams, in Brisbane July 24, 2006
This is an absurd thing to say, for several reasons.
1) She is a Nobel Peace Prize winner, who preaches peace from her soapbox. Obviously, this is not a very peaceful statement to make (expressing your desire to murder the president of the United States).
2) She said this to a large group of SCHOOLCHILDREN while she was campaigning for children's rights in Australia. What does her murder fantasy have to do with the rights of young people? And how is this an appropriate thing to say in any forum?
3) By conducting herself in such a way, she exposed herself as a hypocrite.
She went on to say:
"I don't know how I ever got a Nobel Peace Prize, because when I see children die the anger in me is just beyond belief. It's our duty as human beings, whatever age we are, to become the protectors of human life."
(I guess President Bush isn't a human? His life doesn't fall into the category of human life that she advocates protection for? So, it's just SOME human life that she wants to protect? It's conditional. Maybe she should have specified, "only humans that agree with her political ideology".)I wish she'd make up her mind. She expresses her anger when she sees children die. She says that it's our duty as human beings to protect human life. I agree with her. I too, get angry when I see children (or any innocent human being) die for no good reason.
Do you know who else agrees with her? That's right, Shrubby Dubya (Bush). One of the reasons we're in this "war on terror" is because we're trying to eradicate TERRORISTS that kill innocent people all day long. TERRORISTS indiscriminately kill men, women and children without so much as a second thought. Anybody remember the thousands of innocent people that were killed on 9/11, or the train bombings in Spain, or the bombings in London? How about the ones in Bali, India, Yemen, etc, etc, etc.? These people kill anybody, anywhere. Including CHILDREN. Yet, this woman wants to kill our president, rather than the TERRORISTS? Sounds like she's a bit confused. Maybe she should direct her anger toward the people that systematically do harm to innocent people.
She claims to be upset about the deaths of children in the war in the Middle East. I'd venture to say that more children have died in the suicide bombings than have died as a result of U.S. Military actions. Collateral damage is a reality of any war (unfortunately). Any reasonable person would understand that. What about all the Kurdish babies that were intentionally murdered by Saddam and his biological agents during his reign? What about all the mass graves in Iraq, full of Saddam's victims? HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of bodies. Do those deaths mean anything to her? I wonder what her proposition would be to rid the area of this killing. Leave these evildoers to do their worst? Nah...her priority is Bush. HE's the guy responsible for all the killing in the Middle East. Because this hasn't been going on for hundreds of years over there or anything. (sarcasm meter is pegged right now)
The point I'm trying to make here is that I'm sick and tired of everybody jumping on the Blame Bush Express. It's old already. Seriously. I actually read an
article the other day that blamed BUSH for Zidane (the French soccer player) headbutting the Italian player in the World Cup. I shit you not.
Now don't get me wrong. I'm not defending him because of any party affiliation. I don't have much love or hate for the guy. I just know that he's our president, regardless. I'm saying that he's a human being. He is not the nefarious villain that some would like to paint him as. He's a man, who is trying to do the right thing in a truly chaotic world. In the face of much opposition, coming from people who SHOULD be helping the cause (for example, the U.N., Russia, China, the American Left, etc.)
He doesn't eat babies. He doesn't kill puppies for fun. He's not trying to upset your posh, Beverly Hills/Boulder/New York lifestyle. He may be rough around the edges, and cause us a little embarrassment when he's on camera. However, he IS doing what needs to be done in the Middle East. You can't reason with terrorists. They don't listen to logic. The only thing they understand is force. Period.
Here's some food for thought. The maximum number of terms a U.S. president can serve is 2. That's 8 years. Problems such as the ones in the Middle East aren't ones that pop up overnight. It's a stretch to blame these types of things on one person. It's downright silly. My question is, who are the Bush Haters going to blame for their woes after 2008? Their scapegoat will be gone.
Instead of blaming others, why don't they come up with a better way to do the job? If they did, maybe they'd win an election or two once in a while.